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Thread: Deadlifted 255 last week but had to go down to 225 today?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Vancouver, BC

    Default Deadlifted 255 last week but had to go down to 225 today?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    First off, I'm a male, age: 23, height: 6', weight: 180lbs. This is my fifth week following SS. I eat at least 3500 kcals a day. Sometimes 4000. I get at least 200 grams of protein per day. I get 8 hours of sleep every night. I sit on my ass at my job all day. I've gone from weighing 150 at the end of November to 180 now.

    I've been able to keep adding 10 lbs to my deadlift since I started until last week.
    Last week on Wednesday I was able to deadlift 255 for 1X5. I skipped it on Friday because I was having a bad day and just felt super shitty that day.
    This week on Monday, I did powercleans for the first time 115 5X3. So today (Wednesday) I tried to deadlift 265. The bar didn't even come up off the floor. I took it down to 245. The bar stayed where it was. I had to take it back down to 225 to even do a rep. Luckily, I finished all five reps at 225.

    So my squat has gone to shit ever since it's been bothering my shoulder a lot. I've had to deload from 220 to 175 today and do lots of sets at low weights to film my form from different angles to get to the bottom of my grip problems. Maybe this could have fatigued me enough to suck ass on my deadlifts today? I was able to increase my press by 2.5 lbs today and it hasn't stalled yet.
    I recently started taking creatine last week and it feels like it either doesn't work or it's had a negative effect since all of the past few workouts have felt like "bad days".

    I don't know. This could have just been a bad day today. Maybe my shoulder pain somehow manifested itself in my deadlift pulling ability? Does anything weird stand out to you guys? I'm trying so hard to follow the program properly and getting the required diet and rest down but it just seems like I'm missing something.

  2. #2
    marcf Guest


    Last Friday you weighed 175 pounds, today you weigh 180. Congrats on the weight gain; you're headed in the right direction. I hope you gain another 30 pounds!

    Since you've recently made adjustments to your diet--huge adjustments--I'd just chalk this up as a fluke and see what happens next time. Your diet in your other post had way too much fats and not enough carbs, so give it a few more days to adjust so you're not randomly feeling fatigued.

    Creatine can take some time to work, too. I think it's 10-14 days before you see any effect at all, assuming you respond to creatine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Vancouver, BC


    Hey thanks ks for taking the time to read my other posts! I'm actually at 185 right now but it's probably a lot of water and food weight at the end of the day haha.

    Yeah I hope it's just a fluke. It's just that these last few workouts have just been bad. I think I've figured out how to properly hold the bar to eliminate the shoulder pain now. I had my wrist under the bar which made my arm take up a lot of the weight. At the end of my sets, I started putting my hand more over the bar which relieved that force. Also gotta squat a bit more narrow.

    I'm on the road to getting to 210 at least before I think about slowing down haha. I think I can probably get there by the time my novice LP is finished.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    New York


    Chalk it up to fatigue, or a fluke, or all the extra squat reps you've been doing to improve your form. Most of us have had days like that where the bar stays put. Regarding your squat issues, make sure your wrists are nice and straight and you've selected a good grip width. Get a qualified form check to further assist you. Novices usually lack the experience to critique form footage.

    At some point you'll have to decrease your DL jumps to 5 lbs and do them once per week instead of an A/B rotation. Hard to say when that will be.

  5. #5
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    Vancouver, BC


    Quote Originally Posted by BareSteel View Post
    Chalk it up to fatigue, or a fluke, or all the extra squat reps you've been doing to improve your form. Most of us have had days like that where the bar stays put. Regarding your squat issues, make sure your wrists are nice and straight and you've selected a good grip width. Get a qualified form check to further assist you. Novices usually lack the experience to critique form footage.

    At some point you'll have to decrease your DL jumps to 5 lbs and do them once per week instead of an A/B rotation. Hard to say when that will be.
    Yeah my wrists have always been straight from the first time I learned them. I think my problem is that I end up holding the weight of the bar in my left arm (maybe due to tightness). Next session, I'll keep my wrists more on top of the bar to see if that fixes it. I actually had a session with a SSC a few weeks ago and he didn't notice any grip problems even after I told him about the pain. He recommended to do stretches which haven't helped much.

    So after having to deload way down yesterday in deadlifts, should I continue with powercleans tomorrow?

  6. #6
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    Portland, OR


    Quote Originally Posted by Polishdude20 View Post
    I don't know. This could have just been a bad day today. Maybe my shoulder pain somehow manifested itself in my deadlift pulling ability? Does anything weird stand out to you guys? I'm trying so hard to follow the program properly and getting the required diet and rest down but it just seems like I'm missing something.
    Sometimes the bar won't move if you body thinks the grip is going to fail. What grip are you using and did you do anything to tire your grip prior to the DL attempts? 265# is a little light to fail on a double overhand grip.. are you consciously squeezing your grip tightly?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg_R View Post
    Sometimes the bar won't move if you body thinks the grip is going to fail. What grip are you using and did you do anything to tire your grip prior to the DL attempts? 265# is a little light to fail on a double overhand grip.. are you consciously squeezing your grip tightly?
    Yeah I was using double overhand. Maybe I wasn't consciously squeezing the grip as tightly as I should have been but I was able to pull 255 the week before with no problem. I'm sure my grip tightness didn't change since then. Either way I ain't switching to alternate or hook until I absolutely need to. I'm also thinking it could have been my shoulder soreness. With the shoulder pain from the previous squats, my dead lift might have failed if it thought it would exacerbate the shoulder pain? I don't even know if that's a thing that can happen though.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polishdude20 View Post
    Either way I ain't switching to alternate or hook until I absolutely need to.
    For a lot of people the switch to hook is not immediate, or painless, or indeed both.
    If you switch abruptly, you might need a few sessions to adapt, and during those sessions the weight you will be able to move might even go down.
    I would suggest that if you think grip might become an issue at some point, you start introducing the hook in your training, starting with the lower-weight warm-up sets.
    That way, when you have to switch, you won't have to start from scratch.
    YMMV of course.


  9. #9
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    Vancouver, BC


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    For a lot of people the switch to hook is not immediate, or painless, or indeed both.
    If you switch abruptly, you might need a few sessions to adapt, and during those sessions the weight you will be able to move might even go down.
    I would suggest that if you think grip might become an issue at some point, you start introducing the hook in your training, starting with the lower-weight warm-up sets.
    That way, when you have to switch, you won't have to start from scratch.
    YMMV of course.

    I've been using hook for my power cleans. Is that enough to train it?

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