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Thread: Squat check- lower back injury?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Squat check- lower back injury?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I posted about this in recovery, but managed to snag an actual video today, so I wanted to see if there was something I wasn't seeing.

    Last workout, I was having trouble with the bar sliding down due to wearing a bad shirt/sweat, so I ended up doing sets of 5 2 3 5 5 (stupidly wanting to get 3x5 in no matter what). Right after the last set, I had this sort of tightness/spasming in my lower back. There was no sharp pain or anything during the set, it just kicked in shortly after.

    It got a bit worse over the next day, and then slowly got better. The area includes the erectors on both sides, and the external obliques on the side (they are actually sore to touch). The best way I can trigger the spasm/tightness is slouching forward in a chair. If I sit perfectly upright with my back set, I can hardly feel it.

    Anyway, I warmed up today and felt good, so I decided to go up 5 pounds from last time with some decreased volume, so I wouldn't strain too hard on the last few reps. Sets were easy, and I got this last one filmed. Didn't feel anything during the sets, but my back feels just about the same now. Is there anything in the video that would be hurting my back? I know the angle sucks, but my back seems to be visible enough.


    Last edited by donk52; 06-28-2012 at 06:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Those squats look pretty good and you actually got a better angle than fully half of the people that post form checks on this board. You might benefit from getting your knees out further, but that's tough to say from sure. You may be trying to arch your back a little too hard and that may be what is causing the discomfort, as overextension will piss off your spine just as much as flexion. Some trainees experience tightness in the erectors after they have been training with barbells for a short time. Absent of an injury or a form problem this can be a symptom of the fascia surrounding the erectors getting stretched as the muscles grow. It often abates with time and some stretching as the fascia adapt.

    See if lifting your chest a little less, especially at the top, while keeping your torso well supported and imobile during the squat feels a little better. Also, stop doing so many damn sets. Do three sets of 5. If you miss a rep, come back and do it again next time.

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