I'm going to apologize in advance for the number of questions! I appreciate any and all advice you can impart, and any insight you can pass off related to the transitional phase of novice --> intermediate

A quick background so you see where I'm coming from.

Started @

Squat: 155
Bench: 155
Deads: 175
OHP: 95
Cleans: practice

2 months later I'm sitting at

Squat: 280
Bench: 220
Deads: 335
OHP: 141
Cleans: 125

I had to deload for both squats (@275, got stuck with 5, 3, 3) and bench (@215, got stuck with 5, 3, 3). I came back up by tens, and after passing the ceiling up by fives again.

With my bench, I just did 220 3 x 5, and it was a struggle on the last two reps of the last set. I thought a remedy would be to add a set (only got 3) because I thought the stimulus up to this point wasn't enough through the deload.

Question 1: I heard negative feedback on ATG, saying past parallel was preferred. I was wondering what your input is on the subject of ATG v.s. past parallel? It's hard to find credible info online. (When I deloaded, I started doing ATG, now, I don't know if I want to progress that way.)

Question 2: When deloading, to save time, should you come back up to the plateau fast (10 lb. increases)? or gradual (2 - 5 lb increases)? Is it more of a "feel" thing? Like, go at the pace with which you're comfortable?

Question 3: When I deloaded, I was still progressing by five lbs. a workout, I thought since it was getting tough, that I should deload, and break through the ceiling, instead of drawing it out with 3 lb. increases, 2lb. increases, etc. I was considering progression over time. I would hit higher numbers, faster deloading how I did. Optimally though, how should I have approached it? I think I have some time before intermediate, so should I stretch out this novice phase as long as I can with 1 lb. increases?

Question 3a: when should you start adding sets, (like 4 across, 5 across; I was thinking before progressing to intermediate you should be doing 4 across on each exercise except for deads.)

Question 4: A friend of mine started slowing down with squats, and he does it every other day? I've heard with the nature of legs, that you can practically over train them and they'll heal up. Is this necessary? If it's just fatigue creeping in, should he go back to squats everyday?

He was thinking of doing this since he's further in the program.

Day A:
Squats 4 working sets
Bench 4 working sets
Chins 4 working sets

Day B:
OHP 4 working sets
Cleans 3 working sets

[Deads 1 working set


Lying Tricep Extensions 3 working sets]

What are your opinions on it?

Question 5: You must be tired of these! This should be the last one. If I plan on squating tremendous weight, (Like, 600+ lbs.) without a belt, suit, wraps, etc. should I do weighted situps? Thinking back on it, there's going to be a lot of training with low increases in weight, as I progress further, so, I'm guessing my core will strengthen itself during that period greatly. I'm guessing they are unnecessary.

Question 6: At 305 lbs on the deadlift, I had to start using an alternate grip. I would LOVE to keep going with double overhand. What are some ways I can stregthen my grip to be able to keep going double overhand? (I was thinking deadlift lockouts and hold it for a good couple of seconds for each rep; honestly I wouldn't know what would transfer correctly; [like using a 2" pipe will get your grip stronger, but not when you go back to a standard barbell])

Again, I apologize for all the questions, it's just very hard to find good info on the internet, and I trust your knowledge and experience!!

Thanks a ton! Francis