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Thread: Hip Pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Hip Pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been doing SS since mid-June. I have a pretty brutal work/commute schedule, and I've had to miss some sessions because of that, and have skipped a couple because of minor injuries. And I've done the PCs very intermittently. Given that, and the fact that I'm 41 I'm pretty pleased with the results. I'm a bit under 6', have gone from a bit over 200 lbs to around 210. Current lifts are Press: 105 3x5, Bench: 145 3x5, DL: 270 1x5, Squat: 220 3x5.

    I've tweaked a few things while lifting, nothing very seriously. I pulled my groin a bit squatting right at the beginning, which slowed my squat progress down, but when it got better I moved up pretty fast to 205 (started at 145, though I was strong enough to do more.) I failed there, de-loaded and worked on form for a while. Recently I started adding weight again and got up to 220 3x5. I'm happy with my progress on all the other lifts, but a bit frustrated with my squat- I've made more progress on my bench, in absolute numbers, considering that I started it with a real 5RM of around 95.

    I've had two ongoing problems that are worrying me a bit. One is that squatting started giving me hip pain around 185. The pain is mostly at the outside, slightly toward the rear. About a week ago I came down really hard on my tailbone in a non-lifting incident and bruised it pretty badly. That seems to have made things a lot worse, with the pain now extending around the posterior region. But I was also pushing the weight up from 205 to 220 while that was going on, so that might be partially because the weight got heavier. On Thursday I backed off to 185 for the squats, had a hard time with that, and can still really feel it in my hips.

    I feel like my squat is limited more by this pain, which is not severe but is very inhibiting, than by my strength at this point. The fact that I had a hard time with 185 after doing 220 two days before seems to confirm this.

    The other problem I've been having is a fairly bad pain at the outside of my left elbow while lifting. Squatting seems to aggravate it pretty badly. I do keep thumbs over the bar without much wrist bend. I remember fooling with some weights many years ago at a friend's house, and noticing pain there, so this may be a longstanding issue.

    Anyway, I am not sure what to do about these problems. I'd really like to get rid of the hip pain and keep the squat going up. I also worry a bit about this because that whole area is so vulnerable to long-term injury. Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Best bet is to grab a lacrosse ball and sit on it. Works pretty well.

    About the elbow, film yourself squatting and check if you're really holding the bar properly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by simonsky View Post
    Best bet is to grab a lacrosse ball and sit on it. Works pretty well.

    About the elbow, film yourself squatting and check if you're really holding the bar properly.
    OK, thanks. When you say "sit on it" what do you mean? The pain is worst at the sides, basically right at the top of the pelvis, and slightly toward the posterior..

    Also, do you think that taking something like Ibuprofen would help? I don't normally take painkillers, but I got some Ibuprofen the other day. Not sure how much to take though. Also wondering if there are stretches that might help. There's sometimes a distinct clicking in my hips when I rise out of the bottom.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    You should post a video of your squat to rule out form issues. There's an ibuprofen protocol that floats around on the board. 800mg 4x a day, for 5 days is the recommendation. You might want squat with a closer stance as well to get some of the load off your hips. But really, post a video, because if your form sucks fixing it is the only long term solution.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by t0rment View Post
    You should post a video of your squat to rule out form issues. There's an ibuprofen protocol that floats around on the board. 800mg 4x a day, for 5 days is the recommendation. You might want squat with a closer stance as well to get some of the load off your hips. But really, post a video, because if your form sucks fixing it is the only long term solution.
    Yeah, I'd like to post a form check. As far as I can tell my form is not terrible, but I may not be able to tell. I am a bit of a Luddite though- I don't own any devices that can take video. I don't even own a camera or a cell phone. Maybe I can borrow something from someone.


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