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Thread: It happened

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default It happened

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    There I was in the middle of my workout just finished doing a set of Back Squats and just about to start my 3rd set of Benchpress when a beach muscle guy came up to me and Im not a big guy 23yrs old 183cm 73kg not a whole lot of muscle but in good shape and starting to get relatively stronger said I wasnt working out right.? "What are you trying to do" he ask, I replied "become stronger". He then said "You want to get stronger do what I do I just put on 20ibs in the last 2months doing this". So I decieded to watched just out of amusment. It started off respectable he was doing benchpress 10reps then it got out of control incline DB flys 15 reps then seated machine flys 12reps then pushups to failure think I counted 20reps all with about 30sec rest. "do that for 5 sets then do calves and biceps" he says breathing uncontrollably. I said pretty politely "thats not really for me I like to keep it simple" while he took offence to that "I was a personal trainer at Golds gym for 5yrs, I know how to build strength and muscle". I was astonished thinking to myself people actually were paying this guy money to do that? Im not even going to reply so I just turned around went back to doing my set bench presses.

    While I just thought I would share that unfortunate experience with you guys.
    Last edited by icelantic67; 10-06-2012 at 10:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Someone should make a thread devoted to stories like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    Quote Originally Posted by hamburgerfan View Post
    Someone should make a thread devoted to stories like this.

    Icelandic, what is wrong with that assistance work?

    How much are you benching right now?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I mean im no personal trainer at Golds or anything but it seems to me like alot of unnecessary fatiguing work that will end up hurting him in the long run , and im not sure if that was assistance work or his core work. But I guess everyone to their own looks like its working for him. Thing I dont like tho is younger people and newer trainies see him and think man this guy must know everything because he looks the part but is probabily a pussy and well through them on some advanced bodybuilding program.

    Today was my 5X5 day and completed 74kg and thats also living with a catabolic diesase, in which I am able to progress with smart training protocals
    Last edited by icelantic67; 10-06-2012 at 02:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    It is good to hear that you are able to make progress despite the catabolic disease. The only reason I ask is that assistance work isn't always retarded. As you continue to progress in your lifts, you will start to discover that. When you first start lifting, the SS model is great. You can make pretty good progress just benching and pressing. Eventually that will probably not be the case, unless you are a genetic freak.

    I actually do supersets of a few upper body exercises after I do my main pressing lift (bench or ohp). I do things like yates rows, reverse flies, tricep rope extensions on the cable machine, etc. If the assistance lifts help be continue to increase my bench and ohp, I think that is a good thing.

    I guess I am saying you really don't know where other trainees are in their road to strength, so it probably isn't a great idea to judge them or look down on them. Hell, you could see me doing reverse flies and complain about it in the E&P thread. But you didn't see that I was benching first.

    The last important thing is to realize that everything works, but nothing works forever. Don't get into the mindset that only benching and ohp are they way to increase those lifts. Keep an open mind, especially after SS runs it course.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    No I understand everyone has different goals and mindset when it comes to training but when a guy comes up to me in the middle of my workout and tells me im doing it wrong and that I should listen to him because he is a personal trainer is more where I was going with the thread not so much looking down on him becuase of his routine. Also I really injoy superseting, im actually in the middle of TM and alternate sets between my upper and lower movements I never did SS becuase I dont have the same recovering abilility as most so I thought the M/L/H programming would give me that extra recovery instead of trying to go heavier every workout.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    That makes sense. You are right, he shouldn't say you are doing it wrong, especially if you are getting results.

    I did TM for a bit, but I did it as a 4 day split (upper one day, lower the next). I am still doing a powerlifting routine, but I continue to use the 4 day scheme.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Right on. Im looking at getting a foundation of strength built right now then get into olympic weightlifting.

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