For a change of pace I'll be continuing this log to demonstrate the compatibility of barbell training and 'fitness' in the Army. Damon and I have both focused almost exclusively on powerlifting for the last 12 weeks, running less than once per week each, and never doing situps or pushups. Well yeah us, we are scheduled to take an APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) on 28 April. Our training over the next 4 weeks will change to reflect this mission.
The basic weekly plan is as follows.
Monday: Assessment (2 Mile Run, 2 minutes pushups, 2 minutes situps)
Tuesday: 400 meter intervals, Tabata interval pushups and situps
Wednesday: Squat
Thursday: 3 mile run, Bench, Deadlift
Friday: 400 meter intervals, Tabata interval pushups and situps
Saturday: Press, Power Clean.
Sunday: Rest.
If anyone has tried to pull this off before I'm open to feedback. I normally cycle my training to train what I want to train most of the year and prep for the APFT on the 6-8 weeks prior, but this will be the most extreme time I've done it (the least maintenance APFT work and the shortest build phase).
I'm personally interested to see what happens. Last week I ran two miles in 16:50, ugly but passing. My goal is to run 13:00 2MR, 85 pushups, 85 situps.
Now the real pain begins.