Colliflower's Log
Hello all, first post here. I'll start off with a little background info. I started SS on November 1, at 160lbs 6'1" tall and 20 years old. By new years I weighed 200 then weight gain started to slow as 200 pounds was my goal. I'm now around 206 and I just deloaded to dial in form and I feel now the lifts are all being performed correctly, exception with the power clean. It still feels funny.
In two months I gained 40 pounds and my lifts progressed as follows:
November '09
Squat- 115
Bench- 105
Dead- 135
Press- 95
P. Clean- 85
January '10
Squat- 315
Bench- 185
Dead- 315
Press- 130
Clean- 165
Or somewhere close to those numbers. I'd say its time for me to keep track.
Squat- 265x5 x3
Bench- 195x5 x2 +3 (I'll get you next time!)
Dead- 300x5
I'm going to eat more animals and work up to 225lbs
Yesterday went well, squats felt great, presses light, and power cleans are definitely coming together.
Squat- 275
Press- 110
P. Clean- 155
Hoping to break through 135 on press this time w/o microloading
I'll also take video of my squat once I get back up to 315.
Stay tuned
Well Monday sucked. First day on a new job and didn't get around to lifting til night time.
Busted out my squats- 280x5x3
While I was warming up bench I was surprised at how heavy it was getting at only 175. That with tweaking my back earlier I decided I was better off waiting 'til Wednesday.
Today was kosher:
Squat- 285
Press- 115
P. Clean- 160
Went well and felt easy.
Friday I'll get that damned bench press
Been working all day long all week so I couldn't lift until Saturday; and I pulled something in my arm so I didn't get to bench. :'(
Squat- 295
Dead- 305
accessory work
This job I'm working is only going to last a few more days so I'll be back to normal real quick, I hate messing with and missing so much training
Squat- 305 3x5
Press- 120 3x5
Pwr Clean- 165 3x3
I'm having this elbow pain that has been hanging around for a month or two. I think it was aggravated from a friendly match of arm-wrestling (I know, right?). It rarely hurts bad and often hurts pretty good. I've looked at anatomy pictures online and am not too well versed on the subject but if I were to guess I'd say it was my anterior band or extensor tendon. The pain is pretty deep, near or touching my bone and its aggravated when I pull on stuff with an abnormal grip. (i.e. pulling fishing nets, dogs by the scruff, or plain ol' throwing the friends around) Deads don't aggrivate it and I believe it to be the rack on the cleans that sometimes hurts it.
It hurt after squats today for the first time. I felt my hand turn under the bar for a rep or two and the pain slowly started to come. I can feel it again now after pulling. Things like this normally don't worry me but its been rather persistant so I have a few questions.
Is this where an elbow would be injured from poor grip on squats?
Any ideas on a good way to rehab? I've been viciously massaging it when it flares up, bad idea?
I'll watch my grip but I never had problems with it I'm usually pulling the bar down. Thanks in advance
Squats- 315
Deads- 310
I've been having a problem with my deadlifts. Well not really but what I mean is I had found it hard to progress earlier on for some lame reason. I'm back up to where I was before my de-load and it felt great. The last rep was real tough, naturally, but I found overall it went smooth and I'm excited to keep upping it. Squats were good, right elbow hurt after though. I had nobody lifting with me today so I couldn't get a video.
Skipped bench again today. Wish I didn't have to, it's been a while since I've put up any amount of weight on bench. My elbow just can't take it, especially after todays squats. Should I just continue without bench until my elbow feels up to it, or should I try to sub something in?
Oh yeah, bw up and over 210 today.
Last edited by Rodolfo Bryant; 02-06-2010 at 06:06 PM.
Squats- 320
Press- 125 for triples. Without microplates I'm gonna try triples for a while.
Pwr Cleans- 170
I tried bench today, did it before squats. Hurt my elbow a little but it was bearable. I was tired when it came time to squat..dunno if it was because I did them 2nd though.
Bench- 180
Squat- 325
Deads- 315
Been fighting a sickness for weeks and even though I'm on the home stretch it's still fucking with me.
I got new shoes today (vs weightlifting) and squats felt killer, superb bounce and depth. 325 last time was working at about a 9 or so with the new shoes I decided to squat at a little lower weight.
Squats- 305
Press- 130 did a few sets of 3, failed again. Same weight as last time =/
Pwr Cleans- 175 Did a set or two then I had to stop.
Micro plates are on the way, this friday I'll dominate this set of lifts.
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