I'm looking for some advice about where I should go next. I'm at about the end of my NLP. I've been incorporating some advanced NLP (5x1, 5x2) the past month or so. Many of my lifts are on a hybrid type of NLP programming, I'll explain below in more detail. I've still been successful in adding weight to the bar with this. I know that it is coming to its end. I have been training since September, and am quite happy with the results.
I workout on a T/Th/S schedule
Current numbers are:
Squat: 390x5, 340x5x2
Today's footage on 390:
390x5 - YouTube
Press: 182x3x5
Bench: 300x5x3 (gonna switch to triples next workout)
Deadlift: 420x5
I attempted 425 today, failed, and hurt my back on rep two (
425 fail - YouTube)
This was my fault, reading over the book it clearly shows that you don't want to attempt a new 5rm deadlift on the same day you hit a new 5rm squat.
Some clarifications/questions:
My press/bench are continuing linear progress. I am able to microload 2 pounds each workout. Will I be getting enough stress if I switch to 3x3? I have been sticking with 3x5 because the weight keeps going up with each rep and I feel I am getting enough stress to keep driving linear progress on these lifts.
I plan on switching back to a "one day on, two day off" schedule after this week. I was originally doing that but I have entered Fire/Emt school and for now working out T/Th/S is convenient. I do see the light, and realize that the extra rest will be beneficial to keep driving this linear progress, so I will implement it after this week. I am going for 395x5 on Saturday, then I plan to switch to triples on the squat.
I understand that I am on the cusp of moving into intermediate programming, but I still feel I can milk a few more weeks of liner progress on my lifts, especially on my presses.
Is there any experienced advice from this group on what I should or should not be doing? Any help is appreciated.