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Thread: hobbling to the board for advice again...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default hobbling to the board for advice again...

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    The world is my coach.....

    Ive posted a couple of times asking for help with my routines. Against some of the advice before, Im still looking at more volume on deadlift- mostly because Im a lousy puller and it bugs me. So, Im running the Finnish Deadlift 7 week cycle and, because I love to press, Ive started incorporating stuff from the Bill Starr article- putting dips and occassionally. press starts

    Heres how my week looks

    Mon- Squat 5X5
    Press 5x5 1-2 back off sets at 50% for 10.
    Dips - working to unweighted set of 20- for now 5x 10,5,5,5,4

    Tues - Cleans 5x4 for warmup
    Deads 4x10 or 5x10 at the percentages reccomended.
    Bent over rows 5x5
    Chins- 4x5 (or something like that-usually too fried to do much)
    Bench press- 3x5

    Thurs- Squat 5x3
    Press 5x3 plus back off set.

    Fri- Cleans 5x5 (light)
    deads according to program (4 or 5X10)
    Bent rows 5x5 or t-bar rows.
    Bench- 3x5 or 5x5
    Squat- 10x10

    So far everything is moving up, slowly and I feel fine- squat is now 315 for 3, Press moved up to 165, and my deads had moved to 320 from 300- Ill be testing that again in 6 weeks I guess.

    Not sure what to ask- I just know there are guys on here who can program way better than I can who can pick holes in what Ive figured out for myself.
    The volume on Deadlift is working for me- Im guess Im trying to figure out a better way to program squats and bench with all of this.
    My bench- always the least favorite lift is completely suffering- lve moved from 185 down to 175. but I dont have much energy or interest in it to spare for that one. Probably focus more on that in the late summer.

    43, 6' 200lbs
    sq 315 x3
    press 155-165 x 3
    bench- 175
    Dead 320x1

    My dead number is 3 weeks old- probably higher now.

    Any advice is welcome. Wish Bomb1977 were still around- he'd know what to do...... Thanks for all past advice- it's been very helpful.

    My goals are simply to maintain progression and have fun doing it until I die.
    Last edited by JM3; 06-19-2010 at 09:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    PDX, OR, USA


    Um, if your current programming is only so-so, but you acknowledge that you proceeded against the advice you got before, maybe you should try what you were advised to do in the first place?

    Just a thought.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Thanks Ian.
    I listened to the other advice and took some of it- I didnt take all of it because it wasnt germane to what my body was telling me.
    Mostly what I didnt heed to was the perfectly sound/standard advice around lowering my volume.
    Adding volume on the Deads - both in my last six weeks and so far (2weeks +1) on the Finnish Deadlift cycle (can post a link- but I reckon you know it) is helping me- Ill see in a couple of weeks- but I feel great easing up intensity for a minute and doing a routine with lots of practice of the movement and adding more assistance work.
    Same with Press- I just liked that Starr piece a lot and decided to run that concurrently.

    Guess Im just looking for guidance on what to do with Squat and Bench- does:

    Mon 5x5
    Thurs 5x3
    Fri 10x10

    for squat make sense?
    and does:

    Tues 5x5
    Fri 5x5

    For bench makes any sense?

    my squat is going up- yesterday was PR (315) and today I banged out 10X10 (140) with less difficulty than ever -
    I have to add: yesterday did several massages, worked out, played a gig until 2am,did both load in and load out with no help, drank my ass off, and slept 3 hours before packing kids off to school cutting the grass and going lifting again- only shitty part is my bench is detrained by 10lbs, and I feel like Jane Fonda in Do Wins doing my 100 squat thing- asking for guidance from the greats on all of it- but particularly that.

    Just dont understand how you strong motherfuckers do all this Ian...can you help an old man?
    Last edited by JM3; 06-19-2010 at 09:07 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Pardon my ignorance, but can you no longer make gains simply by deadlifting heavy for a set of 5 every week and adding weight each time?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    That's correct-
    Im asking for advice about how to fit squat and bench into the week in the context of what Im doing with DL and Press.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I think the article you are referring to is the Bill Starr one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Indeed it is. thanks. Ill edit.

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