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Thread: Please critique my crappy squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Please critique my crappy squat

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm hoping somebody can give some kind of advice here. I cant seem to get the squat down. I suffer from a serious lack of flexibility that has haunted me since I was a kid. In elementary school I actualy had to take a remedial gym class because I was such an inflexible spaz.
    Here are my stats:
    age - 38
    weight - 196 lb
    dead - 275 lb
    bench - 165 lb
    press - 115 lb
    squat - 175 lb
    This is a video of my third set. I'm wondering if I should seek proffesional coaching. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Your toes are pointed out almost straight to the sides like a ballerina.
    That's probably why your balance is so shaky, you're squatting as if you were on a balance beam.
    Why are you doing that? Doesn't it make your knees hurt?

    Your squat is so far from the squat as taught by Rip that I suspect you haven't read his book at all.
    Or possibly you are trolling the forum and I fell for it.

    If you are sincerely looking for help, please go buy a copy of Rip's Starting Strength book, and read it.
    Follow the directions in the squat chapter as best you can, then post a new form video.
    The video should be shot from 45 degrees to the rear to show your shoulders, hands, feet, and knees.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    OK, I looked at your other posts, and I don't think you are a troll, sorry.

    Likely your flexibility problems are what led you to this unusual squatting style?
    Can you not get the bar down on your rear deltoid muscles rather than on your traps?
    What happens when you squat with your heels further apart (shoulder width) and toes pointed more forwards (out at 30 degrees, not nearly 90 degrees as in the video)?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    New Jersey


    No worries about the troll thing because yeah, my form does suck that bad. When I try to get the bar down lower onto my delts my arms feel like they are going to snap like overstreched rubber bands. This same issue has made it almost impossible for me to do a clean.
    As far as the feet thing, when I've tried to point them more forward two things happen, I can't reach depth and my back starts to round really bad. It's damn frustrating. Believe it or not, my knees don't bother me at all, although that's probably just due to the weight not being that heavy.
    I do have the book, and I swear I've read the squat chapter like five times. I appreciate the response.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    It looks like your problem is not inflexibility. You just haven't figure out how to squat correctly yet. Live coaching is always more efficient than online, and might be preferable depending on the quality of coaching you're able to find.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    New Jersey


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah, I've been thinking about finding some real coaching. There is a crossfit gym about an hour and change away from where I live. The guy there is one of the few SS certified coaches in Jersey.

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