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Thread: Sudden missed reps, sleep/diet on point

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Default Sudden missed reps, sleep/diet on point

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hey guys, first post here so go easy on me. Over the last 6 weeks since learning how to low bar squat I have progressed from 215x5x3 to 325x5x3. I have seen a starting strength coach who has told me I have good form. I have previous experience lifting, with my best (high bar) squat being 315x5x3 before my three year layoff.

    Last monday I squatted 325x5x3. I honestly felt that this was my best squat session yet. My depth was great, and I felt like I had a couple reps left in the tank even on the last set.

    Fast forward to Thursday, and by my 265x3 warmup I could already tell something was wrong. I went on to grind out 330x5x2 and then 330x3 with atrocious form on the third rep. I still managed to hit a pr for this training cycle on bench, at 195x5x3. It felt about as heavy as it should have.

    By the time my working set for deadlifts was up, I couldn’t even budge 385 off the ground. Two sessions before this, I had crushed 375x5.

    Yesterday, I managed only 3 reps at 330 on my first set and figured I should just stop there. Still hit a pr on press at 145x5x3, and grinded out 185 (5x3 because I was rushing to work) on power cleans with mediocre form.

    Yesterday, I woke up with a sore throat, and had a moderate headache by the end of the night. I had no appetite but still pushed through to eat 5200 calories. I get sick a maximum of once per year, and never as early as September.

    I work 35-45 hours as a busboy at a fine dining restaurant, which is fairly physically demanding. This week I put in about 45 hours. I also go to college half time. I had a family gathering in a different state last Sunday where I drove 6 hours in one day. I would say Besides sleeping I was home about 10 hours this week. I’m hoping this is the reason for my missed reps and my LP still isn’t close to being over.

    I am 21 years old, 6’3”, 235 pounds, about 17-18% bf.

    Without further ado, the first three questions.

    1. On squats, I am resting no less than 6.5 minutes between sets, with probably a minute more between the second and third sets.

    2. I am taking 5 pound jumps, and have been since hitting 295x5x3. I took 10 pound jumps from 215x5x3 to 295x5x3.

    3. I am eating no less than 230g of protein a day, with most days being closer to 260g. I eat no less than 5000 calories at a bare minimum. I usually eat closer to 5700. I’ve put on 20 lbs in three months without raising my bf%, and while only truly following the program for about 6 weeks. I probably have been eating around 350-400g of carbs but since missing my reps have been making a concentrated effort to eat more carbs and less fat, about 600g of carbs, which come from whole wheat bread, high fiber cereal, oats, pasta, milk. I sleep 8 hours a night bare minimum, usually closer to 9.

    What am I not doing that I could be doing to prevent myself from stalling? What are things I am doing wrong? I appreciate the input guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Sounds like you had a bad week. This will not be the last time it happens. Drink a bunch of coffee, repeat Thursday's workout, and see what happens.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    Thank you, and thank you for making getting big and strong simple for all of us.

    Two hours ago I got in my car, chugged a large coffee, and blasted my fight music. Got to the gym, warmed up, and hit two sets of 330x5 with acceptable form. On the final set, I had to dump the weight about 2/3 of the way up on the final rep.

    How should I proceed? I also only got 5/5/4 on bench at 200 lbs, but hit a solid 385x5 on deadlift.

    I think I’ve pinpointed two other problems besides me having a bad week. I had lifted in the afternoon the week before last, and within an hour of waking up last week. I will make my best effort to lift only in the afternoon from now on. Also, I have not been staying in my hips as much as I could, relying on my quads as I had for years doing high bar squats.

    My next session isn’t until Thursday. Do I stuff my face and sleep like never before and go for 335 then?

    On my last set today, my second rep I leaned over my knees way too much and barely got that rep up, which I think stopped me from hitting the last 3 reps, which were with correct form. The last time this happened to me was at 275x5x3, and I ended up doing a fourth set and getting the five reps. I wish I remembered that today.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The first thing you do is learn that you don't get to dump the weight. That gets you kicked out of my gym. If you give yourself permission to dump the weight, you give yourself permission to not finish the set. And so you didn't finish the set. Go on up next workout.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    What is the alternative to dumping the weight? I felt it starting to lean me forward and crush me. I didn’t just drop it from 2/3 of the way up, I squatted back down and dropped it as lightly as I could onto the bars.

    To clarify, I should go up to 335 next workout?

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    That's not dumping the weight, which is jumping out from under the bar. Go to 335.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    My cold has gotten worse. Passed out without eating my final meal after getting home from work the last two nights. Still no appetite, hit 335x3 first set today and then left the gym. Told work im not coming in tomorrow.

    Having gone through an ACL reconstruction this shouldn’t piss me off as much as it is. What is the correct protocol for this?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    West Nile? Maybe you're actually sick.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Farmington Hills, MI


    Maybe a weekend of rest, food, fluid, and more rest is in order.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Thank you for the help guys. Thursday night I slept 8:30-3:30, then 4:30 to 11. Stayed home from work Friday, rested some more and made my best effort to eat as much as I could. Sore throat/sinus issues subsided by Saturday. Still feel very run down, little appetite, achy body/joints, irregular shitting, and sleeping much more than usual.

    Hit 335x5,3,2 on Saturday. Skipped yesterday’s workout after feeling incredibly sluggish all day and passing out for three hours after returning from school at 4. Going to the doctor tomorrow morning, wish me luck.

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