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Thread: Wanting to learn more and teach others

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Wanting to learn more and teach others

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Coach Rippetoe and company,
    I thought I would write to share a bit of my story thus far as well as ask for advice. First I would like to thank you for putting out in depth information, and more free advice than anyone else on the subject of strength training. Through my teens and early twenties I was essentially strong by accident. I was in the military, enjoyed eating too much and lifting heavy weights. Upon leaving the Marines, a series of bad luck and bad decisions eventually left me at 320 lb and rather immobile. At this point I made the biggest mistake of my life and was talked into getting bariatric surgery. I lost weight at a frightening pace and a year later weighed just under 160 lb. I looked like a Holocaust survivor with leukemia. Worse than this I obviously lost a great deal of strength. I could do more chin ups at 300 lb than I could at 160. After a long while in physical therapy I stumbled back into the gym and began “exercising”. I got where I could run and do body-weight exercises, and was lucky enough to run into your book Starting Strength. I decided to commit to it, no matter how embarrassed I was to get under a barbell again. I have suffered, among other things, chronic knee pain for a few years now. My biggest surprise came a month in when I realized my knees didn’t hurt anymore. One month of squatting with the bar low on my back accomplished what two years of physical therapy could not. I followed the program to the letter, the most difficult part being nutrition. Consuming a gallon of milk on top of food with less than half a stomach can only be described as hell. But a few months later I had put on 25-30 good pounds and increased my squat from a 155 max to a 315 working set. This is by no means the strongest I have ever been, but it’s stronger than I ever thought I’d be again. I continue to set what I call post op PRs as I head into the third phase of your program. I just had to take a few weeks off due to pneumonia, but it didn’t seem to set me back too terribly and it gave me a chance to finish reading Practical Programming for Strength Training. I intend to let linear progression take me as far is it can, and to come to Wichita Falls as soon as possible and attend a seminar, my eventual goal to become a strength coach. I would especially like to work with other disabled veterans and perhaps keep them from making the mistakes I did. Is there any training or certification that you would consider more useful than others? If you consider certification useful at all. Right now I’m just reading anything I can get a hold of and trying to help a few others start the program. I currently work in law enforcement and have enjoyed helping others become stronger lately. Any advice on moving forward would be appreciated, and thanks for all the advice so far.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Thanks Rip.

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