IWillLiveFreeOrDie~ she should! The girls in the book look fantastic! That sounds scary though, very painful! Yes, it's the stuff being pushed out that worries me, especially doing heavy squats and deadlifts!
homerj742~haha thank you
Actually, I was the one who harassed my husband to purchase the SS book. Good thing he listened!
Dastardly~ I almost reached 2x bw after 8 months of SS, I'm going to try for it again
I think most women are much stronger in their lower body than their upper body, I don't even think I made a 65lb press yet. Ouch.
TrackJunkie~ I've heard the same from a lot of girls (not sure how to do a proper power clean with this belly in the way though), I've also heard that heavy deadlifts can lead to placenta abruption... since most medical journals can't conceive of a woman doing real lifting during pregnancy, I haven't found any clear information whether or not that is accurate, so I opted to stay away from it.