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Thread: Using Dips to Build or Maintain Bench

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Using Dips to Build or Maintain Bench

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Due to work situations, I am forced to use the gym at work 2X / week and get to the local Y on the weekends. The Y has "everything" but the work gym has "everything except a place to bench".. They do have dumbbells but they top out at 80 pounds and a stupid smith machine.

    My info:

    45 years old, intermediate. 5-10, 195 pounds. Max current bench is 3X3 with 225 with no spotter. I was recently stronger and worked up to a 500# deadlift, and 267 bench but I was 210 pounds and chubby, so I lost weight and with it, strength..ugh.
    I work out 3X a week doing a HLM type program and doing conditioning with treadmill pushes 1-2X a week. My goals are health, strength and size, in that order.

    My Question -

    My work gym has a dip station. I was wondering if I could do a strength bench press day on the weekend (maybe 5 sets of 3 or 4 sets of 5) and once a week, do weighted dips to either maintain or strengthen my bench or even better yet, increase my bench. Can I increase or maintain bench pressing strength by doing so once a week if I do weighted dips in between? I can currently do 2 sets of 20 dips (i tested last week) I also overhead press 2X a week and can press 155 for 1 set of 5.

    My other option is to dump bench and replace it with weighted dips twice a week.

    Any ideas or thoughts?

    Last edited by OZ-USF-UFGator; 12-25-2016 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #2
    marcf Guest


    If you want to increase your bench, why toy with the idea of dumping the bench at all and replacing it with dips?

    How much do you weigh now?

    3x3 at 225 is obviously not ideal if you're only going to bench once a week. You need more volume, as you noted. If you're only going to bench once a week, I'd switch to doing 5x5 on bench and doing your dips 2-3 days later. So, bench 5x5 on Saturday and do your dips on Wednesday, for example. I think you can slowly make some bench gains that way, or at the very least maintain. It's not like that strength is gonna go away so fast. I took two weeks off of benching and lost maybe only 20 pounds on my bench for sets of 5, and it came right back even though I'm taking it slower.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Rio Rancho, NM (Basically, Albuquerque)


    Quote Originally Posted by OZ-USF-UFGator View Post
    Can I increase or maintain bench pressing strength by doing so once a week if I do weighted dips in between?

    Dips are considered "Upper Body Squats".

    Pat Casey

    Casey was the first to officially Bench Press 615 lbs in 1967 in a T-Shirt.

    Dips were one of Casey's staple exercises, working 380 lb Weighted Dips.
    Source: Legendary Strength

    As per Casey, Dips "developed tremendous overall body strength, especially when attaching a dumbell and doing reps. It really affected the strength of my triceps, but also worked deltoids and pectorals."

    Saturday, January 21, 1961

    Bodyweight: 255
    Dips: 185 x 5 reps x 33 sets
    185 x 4 reps x 9 sets
    Total lifted: 90,450 lbs.
    Source: Pat Casey - Part Two - Bruce Wilhelm
    The Tight Tan Slacks of Dezso Ban: Pat Casey - Part Two - Bruce Wilhelm

    Pat Casey:The First Powerlifting Superstar

    "Dips, rock-bottom reps with 330 for 5s, 1RM 380"

    The Most Valuable Exercise You're Not Doing
    Charles Poliquin, Strength Coach
    The Most Valuable Exercise You?re Not Doing

    Poliquin goes into the reason that Dips should be a part of everyone's program.

    An Overview of Dips

    1) Decline Bench Press: Basically, they are a Decline Bench Press that carry over to the Bench Press.

    2) NO Spotter Required: You can push to failure without the need for Spotters.

    3) Eccentric Training: Eccentric Training is easy to do, since NO Spotters are needed.

    4) Fuller Range of Motion: Dips allow you to work the muscle through a greater range of motion, unlike the Bench Press.

    Kenny Croxdale
    Last edited by Kenny Crox; 12-26-2016 at 08:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Thanks for your replies. Kenny, I always enjoy your responses.

    marcf, I am currently 195 pounds and I am not as interested in a big bench as I am in being strong. I don;t compete in power-lifting.

    So, if I were to do a 5X5 on the weekend, how would I program dips on the in-between day to increase my bench?
    Last edited by OZ-USF-UFGator; 12-26-2016 at 08:45 AM.

  5. #5
    marcf Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by OZ-USF-UFGator View Post
    Thanks for your replies. Kenny, I always enjoy your responses.

    marcf, I am currently 195 pounds and I am not as interested in a big bench as I am in being strong. I don;t compete in power-lifting.

    So, if I were to do a 5X5 on the weekend, how would I program dips on the in-between day to increase my bench?
    I think 4 sets of 12 will do you ok if you are currently doing 2 sets of 20.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    I like 8-10 on dips

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Keep an eye on your shoulders. If you get a whiff of tendinitis, back off the dips. It can take you out for months. . . .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Raleigh, NC


    You can do some solid training with 80lbs dumbbells.

    I guarantee that if build up your strength to do 5x12 on those dumbbells, you'll be doing 250+ on the bench for 3x3. Especially if you can get an incline on the bench.

    Dips are good too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rhode Island


    I'm terrible at bench, so I did weighted dips for a while, but found it didn't do as much for me as doing a bit more volume on the bench to improve form and add volume... Maybe doing things the opposite of your idea- heavy ass weighted dips, then heavy top set and lighter back off sets on bench on the weekend.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Jamestown, NC


    starting strength coach development program
    I use dips as accessory stuff to help with bench.

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