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Thread: New squat, deadlift, and bench form check plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default New squat, deadlift, and bench form check plz

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    Hey so yeah finally bought a new SD card and filmed my lifts so i hope i can get some feedback.

    Squats - 98.5kg (first set 1 x 5)

    3rd workout using a belt and yes i feel and can see less lower back rounding. One thing though is i'm not sure if it's the tightness of the belt or just the weight being shit heavy for me and not filming my squat for so many weeks that i feel that these squats seem only parallel if not slightly above. I tried going lower on my 2nd set and it seems slightly better, but i haven't gotten around to uploading that set.

    Deadlift - 114.5kg (1 x 5)
    Things i think i need to work on is remembering to set the back before each rep. I think just wanting to lift that damn weight makes me forget. Form was a bit dodgy especially the last rep because i let the bar move away from my shins.

    Bench - 59.5kg (last set 1 x 4)

    Yeah it was my last set and i only got 4 reps. After watching my first set i realised my elbows were pretty much 90 degrees to my torso. Tried to move them lower in the 2nd set and i think my last set was the best however didn't get all 5 reps.

    Comments guys? and much appreciated for the help
    Last edited by confuzzl3don3; 12-18-2009 at 02:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Can't comment on the bench video since there is none.

    Squat:They're really in a gray area between parallel and partial. At least from my view they are.

    Deadlifts: Your back is rounding, not terribly, but it is. I see you're raising your chest, but are you sticking your butt out?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.City View Post
    Can't comment on the bench video since there is none.

    Squat:They're really in a gray area between parallel and partial. At least from my view they are.

    Deadlifts: Your back is rounding, not terribly, but it is. I see you're raising your chest, but are you sticking your butt out?
    Yeah i thought as such about the squats. I'll upload the 2nd set and see if it was better. And about the deadlifts i think so. I sit back and bring my shins forward to hit the bar.

    And i put the link for the bench now forgot it earlier

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Sydney, Australia


    squats look good to me. and nice belt. same as mine :-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Saint Paul, MN


    I think the squats are too high, just barely, but still too high.

    As for the bench vid, I find it more instructive to be able to see from a different angle. The primary concerns are scapular tuck. This shows itself in the reach of your arms at lockout.
    Last edited by Sgsolberg; 12-18-2009 at 06:15 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Squats look good to me. Maybe you could stand to go a tad bit lower, but most of your reps definitely look below parallel.

    Bench: You said as much in your OP, but notice where your elbows are in relation to the bar? Obviously, you want to keep your elbows underneath the bar. So you definitely need to tuck your elbows more.

    As for the deads, I think you pretty much said everything that needs to be said in your original post.
    Last edited by Raskolnikov; 12-18-2009 at 06:57 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Everyone here has covered most everything. Only thing I would add is that it appears as though your breathing out too much air at lockout on your bench. Remember, just let a little bit of air escape at the top, then very quickly top it off again, for obvious reasons.

    Glad to see your working hard.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    The squat: 4/5 reps are definitely bellow parallel, 5th is questionable.

    The bench: Like someone mentioned, fix those elbows!

    The deadlift: To me, it looks like you have a bad starting position in the deadlift. Your back is too horizontal (=bad leverage) because your hips are a bit too high and because of that your shoulders are not in a good line with the midfoot-bar-scapula relationship (they're too forward, but not by much). You're kind of pulling the bar towards you instead of straight up (again, because of a non-perfect set-up.)

    The camera angle kind of makes your set-up seem worse than it is, but it's still not as good as it should be. Lower your hips slightly, and film from a perpendicular angle so we have a better view.

    If I were you I would drop the weight a bit (I know, deloading sucks when you should be able to pull more but can't because of not good enough technique, but doing so will make you stronger in the longer run!), work on the starting position, make it perfect and then increase the weight. It's not that easy to learn all the lifts on your own, takes a bit more time.

    Anyone else agree with my thoughts on the deadlift?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I haven't watched the video since I am at work. But the image Raskolnikov included demonstrates good depth to me. the hip crease appears below the top of patella.

    oh and from the picture you look like you've gained muscular weight. fine work, confuz. fine work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
    Squats look good to me. Maybe you could stand to go a tad bit lower, but most of your reps definitely look below parallel.

    Bench: You said as much in your OP, but notice where your elbows are in relation to the bar? Obviously, you want to keep your elbows underneath the bar. So you definitely need to tuck your elbows more.

    As for the deads, I think you pretty much said everything that needs to be said in your original post.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
    According to this picture you have hit sufficient depth and it looks like your form has improved tremendously from the first time you posted your squats. You are using your hams and glutes way better now. Please disregard anyone who has said that this squat looks high..because this squat is not high...In fact if you forced yourself to go deeper, you would definitely have to relax something...and relaxing in the hole is a big NO.

    One thing I think you could work on though is getting a little harder hammy bounce off the bottom of the squat. It will help you to rebound a little faster.

    Keep up the progress. Eventually, the board on the carpet is not going to cut it though. Go out to the garage!

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