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Thread: Powercleans and presses

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Powercleans and presses

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Ok so i had my attempt at powercleans again yesterday at 47.5kg and i tried to put together all the advice about faster elbows, keeping over the bar as long as possible, etc. But there was just so many dam things to remember. Here's probably what a typical set of 3 would look like:

    set of 3

    And here's hopefully one of the better reps.

    And also my press is really annoying me.

    press - 41.5kg

    Still too much layback right? Are any of these reps considered ok?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    It's a learning process and I think you've made some good progress, so don't worry about them not being perfect; "good enough" is fine. The "better rep" demonstrates pretty good positioning, IMO -- which is evident by the height you get on the bar: you could have caught that with no knee bend with room to spare. I think it's definitely time to start adding weight. I think you'll find that your form actually improves (e.g., you'll explode more, you'll be faster under the bar, you'll rack quicker, etc.) as the weight gets heavier. I find it impossible to perform a halfway decent looking power clean with anything less than 60kg.

    Just a tip about fast elbows that helped me: think of your arms/elbows like whips. As you start to pull under for the catch, snap your arms just like you would a wet towel, and whip your elbows up. (Hopefully the analogy makes sense.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    from my naked eye positioning on your clean seems fine to me, decent first and second pull, although like Raskolnikov said your arms could be more whippier. i also think that unlike other lifts the clean brings out the best in your form at heavier weights though only at a certain degree.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Mm yeh i get ur analogy, i'll see if it helps. it's just i'm being quite conservative with my weight increases (about 1-2kg depending on how confident i was with last time's weight) because if i increase too much, i begin to miss reps. As in to do a set of 3, i might need to do 4 or even 5 reps in order to get 3 'ok' reps. And as you can see from my 'normal' sets, i usually muscle a few of them up because of my slow elbows.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Anything about my presses?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Gilbert, Arizona, USA


    starting strength coach development program
    Hey I've seen you around here before.

    I'd love to see you get your shoulders out in front more as the bar passes your knees- if when you do this you'll need to contract your lats to prevent the bar from drifting away from your thighs. This one tweak will help a lot. Initially you might be better off practicing this idea with clean pulls, and then when it feels consistent, apply it to the clean

    Quote Originally Posted by confuzzl3don3 View Post
    Ok so i had my attempt at powercleans again yesterday at 47.5kg and i tried to put together all the advice about faster elbows, keeping over the bar as long as possible, etc. But there was just so many dam things to remember. Here's probably what a typical set of 3 would look like:

    set of 3

    Still too much layback right? Are any of these reps considered ok?

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