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Thread: Questions about Squat and deadlift

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Questions about Squat and deadlift

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    Squat - I realized today and I was rouncing my back pretty heavily. I'll practice un-rounding the back with the empty bars and/or lighter weights, but should I nullify my progress and start progressing again from a lower weight? For the record, I have been going to parallel on my squats.

    Deadlift - I think I'll probably need to lower the weight and start from there, again because of rounding the back. I noticed that in the first and second days of deadlift I was able to set my back properly, but adding 20 lbs per workout made my form worse. Should I add slower?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Get a video.

    Rounding back is caused by many things. For me it was tight hamstrings and adductors. Stretch them if you feel you have to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I'll get a video of the next workout, and be mindful of stretching as well.

    What do you think about the progressing part, should I maintain the number I currently have with the parallel but arched-back squat, and should I drop back on the deadlifts with lower increments?

    And a sort of off-topic question: if I ask this exact question on the Q&A with Mark Rippetoe section, is that in line with the forum rule or considered a violation? I'd like to know what Rip would say about it also.
    Last edited by terrazine; 03-04-2011 at 08:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by terrazine View Post
    I'll get a video of the next workout, and be mindful of stretching as well.

    What do you think about the progressing part, should I maintain the number I currently have with the parallel but arched-back squat, and should I drop back on the deadlifts with lower increments?
    keep parallel but arched

    and eventually work up to a bellow parallel squat with good form

    deadlifts are tricky...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by terrazine View Post
    I'll get a video of the next workout, and be mindful of stretching as well.

    What do you think about the progressing part, should I maintain the number I currently have with the parallel but arched-back squat, and should I drop back on the deadlifts with lower increments?

    And a sort of off-topic question: if I ask this exact question on the Q&A with Mark Rippetoe section, is that in line with the forum rule or considered a violation? I'd like to know what Rip would say about it also.
    I wouldn't think there's anything wrong with seeking a more informed opinion. Besides, it's not like he scans the boards every time a question is submitted to him.

  6. #6
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    Whatever you do, do not ask this question on Rip's Q&A. He will personally come to your house and have you shot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    squat: The first thing to try is to place your knees wider than you have been doing and see if that fixes it.

  8. #8
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    Calgary, AB


    Quote Originally Posted by terrazine View Post
    Squat - I realized today and I was rouncing my back pretty heavily. I'll practice un-rounding the back with the empty bars and/or lighter weights, but should I nullify my progress and start progressing again from a lower weight? For the record, I have been going to parallel on my squats.

    Deadlift - I think I'll probably need to lower the weight and start from there, again because of rounding the back. I noticed that in the first and second days of deadlift I was able to set my back properly, but adding 20 lbs per workout made my form worse. Should I add slower?
    EliteFTS has a great series of videos on the squat. Go to YouTube and watch "So You Think You Can Squat". Very informative. It will help you understand your training.

    BTW, the "So You Think You Can Bench" is pretty good too.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dharok View Post
    EliteFTS has a great series of videos on the squat. Go to YouTube and watch "So You Think You Can Squat". Very informative. It will help you understand your training.

    BTW, the "So You Think You Can Bench" is pretty good too.
    Good information, sure, but pretty far removed from the lifts as Rip teaches them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Calgary, AB


    starting strength coach development program
    Probably not as much as you think.

    RE: the squat, what specifically is different? Bar placement? Use of hips? Back tightness? Depth of squat? Foot position? Lift mechanics? [please don't say, "where to look while squatting"]

    RE: the bench, I'll give you that. The bench video is made to produce big numbers and diagnose technique problems preventing those big numbers. That is different.

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