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Thread: Damn painful arms/programming/proper use of advil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Damn painful arms/programming/proper use of advil

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi guys,

    I'm an intermediate trainee, 515 squat, 335 Bench, 525 DL..

    I'm currently using the TM and I must have developed bicep tendonitis in both arms..

    The pain is horrible when I squat heavy..Since I've opened my grip, kept my back solid, and made sure to keep my elbows jacked up this helped quite a bit but if there's any breakdown in form it sets the inflammation off and throws off all my upper body work.

    The last few weeks ive been taking about 400MG of advil before my volume session and my intensity session.. My arms still kill and can barely do any body work, chins even bother them a lot. The only thing that isn't painful is any pull that I can keep my scap retracted hard ie DB row, Cable row, face pull ect ect.

    So I have two plans that I'm thinking of but could use some advice:

    1. Deload the volume and intensity days for a couple weeks to give my shoulders some rest and to allow some better technique

    2. Only deload the volume day this week and use the NAIDS protocal(take 3200MG of advil, is this correct?) for 4-5 days and hit Saturday hard and resume regular training the next week.

    3. Use my safety Squat bar for volume days and regular bar for recovery days and intensity days for the next 4 weeks to give my shoulders quite a bit of time to recover.

    Anybody experience the same thing with any success of overcoming all this arm and shoulder pain and what do you think about my ideas?

    Lastly, is the reason why you take advil for 4-5 days straight to wipe out all the inflammation to speed up the recovery?? Doesn't it take longer for tendonitis to clear up? Wouldn't right after going off the stuff it would come back the next week? Could someone explain how it works and exact dose so I can try it?

    Thanks alot guys.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    I don't have all of your answers, but my experience with tendinitis is that you have to quit doing whatever it is that aggravates it for a while. I don't think the Ibuprofen will make it heal any faster. Taking it before you lift might be a bad idea if it covers up the pain from something you shouldn't be doing.
    When I had it from bench press I took two full weeks off and then started in very very light. In about 6 weeks total I was back up pretty close to my former PR's.
    From what I've heard, what comes after tendinitis is much worse so now is the time to let it heal completely.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    That's a tough pill to swallow but I think you're right ColoWayno. Time to gear down.

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