How long are you resting between your work sets?
Dear Rip.
Please don't ban me, or refer me to 'A Clarification', or move this thread to Repetitive Inquiries. I just want to get stronger, and that would be unhelpful. Please.
That being said, here are my stats, including weight/sets/reps of my last successful lifts.
Height: 6'3
BW: 245lbs
Squat: 240x3x5 (no belt)
Bench: 175x3x5
Deadlift: 295x5 (chalk + double overhand; no belt)
Press: 135x3x5
PC: 145x5x3
I eat roughly 5000 calories per day, including 300g of protein +/-, and am currently doing the basic novice program, alternating workout A and B, with no additional exercises.
My squat is moving at a snail's pace, both in terms of bar speed and progression. Though I've yet to stall a second time, it often takes me two or three workouts to get all my reps. I rather fail than give up, so I don't think it's just me being a pussy. Nevertheless, the grind is demoralizing.
I exhibit all the tell tale signs of overtraining, though I'm hesitant to call it such.
It appears a change of programming is in order, but it seems awfully soon. What do you think? Thanks.
PS: Yes, I use the search fuction, and I own a copy of both Starting Strength and Practical Programming. Please don't ban me.
How long are you resting between your work sets?
5 minutes
OP- Years of age? (Guessing at least 4 decades)
wait 8-10 minutes between sets and see how you feel. particularly for squats.
Would resting longer make the first set less dreadful?
Nope. Show us the weight and reps of your warm up sets. Are you already fatigued entering the first set?