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Thread: Trying to Help my 71 Year Old Dad with Back/Nerve Issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Pasadena, CA

    Default Trying to Help my 71 Year Old Dad with Back/Nerve Issues

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hoping Petrizzo and other learned folks could chime in here. My 71 year old father has had serious back issues in the past year, with radiating pain in the quadriceps on both sides. He now swings his right leg around at the hip as he walks, rather than walking properly. When I ask him about it, he just says that his quads hurt. He went to some PT, who gave him "exercises," none of which have anything but a transient impact. I don't trust most PT's instructions on anything, having had poor experiences myself. They probably have him doing spinal flexion-stratching and such.

    At last weekend's seminar, Rip recommended that he seek some traction treatment, and he and Tom P. definitely discouraged surgery. This seems like the appropriate course of action. I am fairly certain he has not been pursuing a traction option.

    I do have his MRI report (with permission). I was wondering if one of you would decipher it and see if pointing him toward traction treatment would make sense. Will post or send if someone is willing to take a peek.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    I have personally lived this dream. Email it to me. PM'd you my email. I will with hold judgment until after Dr. Petrizzo has commented.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, CA



  4. #4
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    Cedar Point, NC


    I see nothing spectacular about his MRI, typical shit, he is old, has typical degradation of his spine. Mine is much, much worse.

    I would tell you to get him moving, start very, very slow, and build strength in his back. He will be scared of reinjuring himself, making it worse, and generally resistant. Go slow, build his confidence, and help him through it, insist on perfect form, and only move weight when able to do so.

    There are many articles on this website that address the benefits of deadlifting, squatting, and strengthening the back to relieve referred pain in the lower extremities due to disc injuries.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cedar Point, NC


    I see nothing spectacular about his MRI, typical shit, he is old, has typical degradation of his spine. Mine is much, much worse. I am not a doctor, I may have missed something, and I speak only from my experience, and not from a position of medical authority. I would recommend you do your research, but if he were my father or client, I would do the following:

    I would tell you to get him strength training, start very, very slow, and build strength in his back. He will be scared of reinjuring himself, making it worse, and generally resistant. Go slow, build his confidence, and help him through it, insist on perfect form, and only move weight when able to do so.

    There are many articles on this website that address the benefits of deadlifting, squatting, and strengthening the back to relieve referred pain in the lower extremities due to disc injuries.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, CA



    Thanks for looking at it. I thought the MRI seemed unremarkable too, but was hesitant to start him on deadlifts and squats absent better knowledge about backs and nerves. Will be sending him your article and others, and try to get him to an SSC in his area.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Pasadena, CA


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks, Mac

    Working on finding him a coach in the SE PA / Northern DE area. Simma gave me a gym recommendation. Once I have that sorted, will send him your artcle and a few others.

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