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Thread: Squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Squat form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    First form post so for what you do.

    I had a few sessions with Noah in Boston when he was here in 2016, did a 5 week session and had good progress. Restarting SS after golf season, plan to go balls hard through April and assess where I am and how to maintain some routine through the summer where I always slack and stop. Not this time.

    I really really struggle with the squat, numerous issues. Really bad mobility and flexibility issues. Just getting the bar in position is a painful bitch. Noah actually had me basically stop squatting for a few sessions and work on stretches and slowly work back in. After 5 weeks I had a decent functional squat and he said I was on the right track.

    After a good 7 month break I'm in week 4, got the work weight up to 165 and realized things were pretty bad. I reset to 135 today and took two videos. One from the correct angle, another from the side. From the requested 45dg angle I don't look to be getting depth, the same squats from the side look like they are.

    A few things:

    -I feel like I'm getting as deep as I can. In the side shot, it sure looks like the crease is below parallel. When I squat without the bar according to the book (2-13) (I've read the book a lot) this is the depth I hit. I know my back is too vertical and I feel like the following issue is preventing me from getting more horizontal.
    - I can't get my elbows lower. Really bad issues up top, I am working every day on stretches and it is getting better. I've widened the grip just a bit to compensate. I feel this is affecting my ability to get more horizontal. I really need to get them down, I just can't yet and it feels like it throws my balance off as I'm trying hard to keep them down. Very frustrating when I feel like I have them down then look at the video. I'm trying to get into the position from the book (frame 5 2-23 pg28)

    I'm trying to focus on knees out, reach back with my ass, tits down, look down.

    Thanks in advance.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    There's not a thing wrong with your grip. Honestly, your squat isn't nearly as fucked up as you think either. Make your stance a touch wider. Lose the foam roller. Drive your knees out a little more and point your chest at the ground. Stop worrying about emulating the pictures in the book, too. Everyone looks a little different in the squat based on their segment lengths. Keep your chin down on the ascent. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Campitelli View Post
    There's not a thing wrong with your grip. Honestly, your squat isn't nearly as fucked up as you think either. Make your stance a touch wider. Lose the foam roller. Drive your knees out a little more and point your chest at the ground. Stop worrying about emulating the pictures in the book, too. Everyone looks a little different in the squat based on their segment lengths. Keep your chin down on the ascent. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.
    Got it, thanks again.

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