First one was borderline. The rest were deep. I suspect your stance is too narrow and your knees need to be out more, but I cannot say that for sure from here. Drive your butt up.
My first one felt high. I’d like to know if the others had anything wrong with them. Thanks.
First one was borderline. The rest were deep. I suspect your stance is too narrow and your knees need to be out more, but I cannot say that for sure from here. Drive your butt up.
Thanks Tom. I took your first analysis to heart and it has made a big difference.
I’m having a hard time keeping my right knee driven out due to femoral anteversion in my right femur. Have you ever worked with this? I’m trying hard to drive it out but it feels like the external rotators give out.
Did a medical doctor diagnose this? Physical therapists and chiropractors don't count. If you literally have a twisted femur, there is not much to do there besides do your best. If both your knees come in, then it is probably not a skeletal problem, unless you have anterversion of both femurs. It does not look like your knees are collapsing in, although your video was mostly from the side. It just looks like they are not going out enough.
Hi Tom,
I was diagnosed with this by my pediatrician when I was a kid. My parents were given the option to take corrective measures but the doctor told them it would probably straighten itself out when I got older. It didn’t.
It doesn’t feel hard to shove my left knee out but I suppose I could do a better job of doing that.
Thanks again for this service.
Provided you are not in pain and provided getting your knees out more does not cause you pain, it is just something to work on. You may be a little asymmetrical because of the femoral anteversion, but that doesn't mean you cannot get dem gainz. Good luck and enjoy the process.