Dwayne's Second Form Check
Hi Rip,
Thank you for SSBT, PPST, MOMG, Strong Enough, and startingstrength.com. Linear progression has been great so far. I started it up last year end of November, beginning of December with a major reset in January. Prior to starting the linear porgression my best squat was 375X1 and 275X5X3 weighing around 200 lbs at a height of 6'2". This past Friday I just squatted 385X5X3 at a weight of 260 lbs. Here is my last set:
I'm on a mission to break past 405X5X3 on the linear progression.
Self-critique reveals that I think I do okay on the first three reps, then the last two go to shit. The bar roll became too hard for me to control at that point and I compensate by lifting my head and thus killing my hip drive. [The result over the weekend and today still is sore anterior shoulders and a re-inflamed left arm medial epicondyle.] Is this what you see?
What cues would you yell at me to help in stopping this from happening?
strong stuff dwayne.
just curious, have you ever had to bail out squatting without pins or spotters? how do you do it with a low-bar squat? do you dump the bar over your head?
I'll bet he just makes damn sure he gets all his reps.
Rip hit it right on the head. I do squat in a rack most of the time. But when I do a form check, I like to do it at the stands because the camera can see more that way. So I just make sure that I get all my reps.
So Rip...
I'm raising my chest because it feels like if I don't the bar's going to keep rolling forward. I want to drive my hips but something happened in those last two reps that I could not control with that bar rolling. If I could get it to just stay put like it did for the most part on every other rep, I think I would be able to drive my hips better.
What can I do to stop that bar from rolling?
Not to mention dumping a squat over your head would hopefully not even have to be done once to know it's a bad idea....
Bars roll up because they are too high, above the proper low-bar position on top of the posterior delts. And just because you know something is a bad idea doesn't mean you won't do it. The possible examples here boggle the mind.
is there another way to dump it in this case? it seems over the head is the only way. jumping forward and dumping behind you is possible with a high-bar squat, but i can't see it happening for a low-bar squat.
We don't intentionally dump bars loaded with iron plates, no matter where the bar is located. We use spotters. And if you're going to squat heavy with iron plates, even the small idea in your head that dumping is an option can get somebody hurt. It happened in here last week, spotter got hit with a bar. Potentially very bad deal.
Sorry if I was unclear.
Last edited by Mark Rippetoe; 03-22-2010 at 11:11 PM.
Chalk on your back and hands might help and holding the bar more with your hands.
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