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Thread: staying unstuck using texas method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default staying unstuck using texas method

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    Hi Mark,

    In the Practical Programming book, you recommend intermediate trainee to try 5RM or 3RM or even 1 RM every week. I'm guessing that you meant something like week 1: 5RM, week 2: 3RM, week 3: 1 RM, repeat week 1, etc. You said that this helps trainee to stay unstuck. What is the reason?

    How would you compare that approach with 5RM until plateau, and then drop to 3RM until plateau, and then drop to 1 RM until plateau?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Are you asking me why making a new PR every week keeps a lifter from being stuck? Or are you asking why it works?

    It compares to the method you stated by being another method that works. I suppose.

    As a general rule, better questions get better answers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Sorry for not being clear.

    Let me rephrase the question. Right now, for my intensity day, I just try to increase the weight and keep hitting a 5RM. I'm planning to reduce the rep to 3, once I can't hit 5RM consistently again.

    However, in your book, you mention that it is beneficial for trainee to try different rep ranges on the intensity day (from what I understand, it would be something like 5RM for week 1, 3 RM for week 2, 1 RM for week 3, repeat week 1). I felt that the drawback for this method is it's harder to check whether I'm progressing. For example on week 1, I hit 200 for 5 reps. On week 2, I hit 205 for 3 reps. Am I actually setting a new PR on week 2? I can't tell, until I try 205 for 5 reps on week 4. What is the benefit of doing this, compared to the first one (try to increase 5 RM, once that slows down, try 3 RM, and then 1 RM)?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Is there a new programme in the new starting strength book?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The Texas method is anchored in 5 x 5, because that rep range produces so many positive training effects. Shifting to 3s when you get stuck would not be following the Texas method, because 3s don't do the same thing that 5s do. You shouldn't get stuck on the Texas method if you make small jumps each week on you 5 x 5 weight. And the check of your progression is simply your ability to increase the 5 x 5 weight each week.

    And unless you weigh about 125, you shouldn't be ready to do an intermediate program anyway, since your novice progression should have taken you way past a 205 x 5 if it was done correctly.

    Basic Barbell Training does not have any new programs, because it's not really a programming book. All the programming stuff is in PPST.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    taken from the last 2 lines of page 183 and first 2 lines of page 184 on the Practical Programming book.

    The reps each Friday do not have to be the same; it is quite useful to try for a max single, double or triple on Friday, or rotate between all three. This helps with being unstuck.
    That was what my original question is about.

    I must be doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is. I got stuck at 205 lbs doing the novice workout. I backoff once, decreasing weight by 10%, and build it up in 2 weeks, but I got stuck again at 205 lbs. I didn't have any coaches to troubleshoot what I did wrong, so I just did the Texas method (didn't know what else to do). I'm 165 lbs male btw.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    will there be a PPST second edition and would you be writing any other programs anywhere else that I could know about.

    thanks Mark

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'd agree that you must be doing something wrong, because I have never had a 165 lb. male get stuck at 205 on the squat if they were training and eating according to the program. I suspect you weren't eating enough, and I'd therefore predict that you are taller than 5' 9" at that bodyweight. I don't really think you are in an intermediate/Texas method situation yet, but rather need to troubleshoot your novice program.

    And no, there are no current plans for a 2nd edition PPST. Have you already exhausted all the possibilities contained in the first one?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Yes, you guess right. I'm 5' 11". I actually increase my bodyweight from 150 lbs to 162 lbs or so before my weight gain stalls, and I got stuck on the squat. I didn't know better, so I stay with the same calories, backoff, and got stuck again on the novice workout.

    I then backoff, move to Texas, and guess what, I almost got stuck again at 205 lbs. Finally, I bumped up my calories, and right now the squat is moving up again. So again, you're right, I'm not eating enough. I'm now at week 5 in the Texas program. Should I just drop it, and go back to the novice workout? Or should I just do the Texas program until I stall, and then go back to the novice workout?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    If you're eating enough now and drinking your Gallon Of Milk Every Day, you can pick up on the novice program and make faster gains. And that is the best use of time.

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