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Thread: Programming Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL

    Default Programming Question

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey Rip,

    Some basic info first:
    26 yo Male
    6'1 3/8"
    Male Pattern Baldness
    Dog Owner

    With that pertinent info out of the way, I have a bit of a programming conundrum that I was hoping you could lend some of your expert advice to.

    Currently running TM with an every third day schedule due to shift work as a firefighter. I've found that it helps to train the days before work and to leave the days after work for a nice full recovery (which usually does happen, with the occasional overtime, or life getting in the way). This extends the TM variation from a 7 day cycle, to a 9 day cycle, which usually means 3 intensity days to the usual 4 every month. I haven't had any real issues with this setup so far.

    However, in a few weeks I start a 4 month hazmat training course which will see me in class on my non shift days for 8-12 hours at a time depending on the course material. So in a given week I could work my 24 hour shifts on Su/W/S and still have 8 hours of class on M/T and Th/F. I'm pretty sure that my recovery would go to the shitter right quick (don't even get me started on my cortisol levels...) without some modification to my training schedule.

    My main concern throughout this ordeal is to keep the weights moving northward. I'd hate to see the progress that I've accrued just sit on hold for 4 months, or *gasp* move downwards, but I need to do something, and I'm trying to make it so that whatever it is I do end up doing is productive.

    I was looking at a split routine that would follow a 9 day cycle of Work/Train/Train/Work/Train/Train/Work/Off/Off. I would obviously be training following class on those days that it occurs. This would cycle some of my training days and also allow for some complete recovery days to happen on certain weekends, and this would also allow some flexibility in making up missed days in case certain issues pop up. If this sounds feasible, I was looking at a setup that would follow this plan:

    Day 1 - Press Intensity, Bench 5x5, Assistance
    Day 2 - Squat Intensity, Cleans 5x3, Assistance
    Day 3 - Work
    Day 4 - Bench Intensity/Press 5x5, Assistance
    Day 5 - Squat 5x5, Deadlift Intensity, Assistance
    Day 6 - Work
    Day 7 - Off
    Day 8 - Off
    Day 9 - Work

    The assistance will likely be Chins, RDLs, and maybe some ab roller, and prowler work.

    As for what Intensity means, I don't have the slightest, which is where I was hoping that your expertise could come in. I doubt that a 5RM on all lifts like on TMs Intensity Day would be feasible due to the recovery constraints, even though the adaptive stress is spread out over multiple days. But maybe it would be possible on some, but not others?

    Using Table 7.2 on p. 131 in PPST leads me to believe that maybe multiple sets of singles or doubles might get me the relative intensity I need without the exertion needed for a rep max. But I don't know, I've never actually used Singles or Doubles in a routine before. I've contemplated just using the Woojus Geeshman example in the back, however I would really miss the heavy weights. Or even taking the easy way out and just maintaining using Starr's in season program in The Strongest Shall Survive. I'm willing to do the work, I'm just unsure of what I need to do.

    Does any of this sound like a plan that can be executed and sustained during a 4 month time frame? I know you don't program for people over the internet, but would you at least be willing to comment? What modifications would you make to the outline above? Do you like popsicles?

    Sorry for the longest post ever, and thanks for the opportunity to ask my question.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    How about:

    Day 1 - Press 5 heavy singles across, Bench 5x5
    Day 2 - Squat 3 singles/2x2/1 triple (alternate them), Cleans 5 sets of 3
    Day 3 - Work
    Day 4 - Bench 5 singles across,Press 5x5
    Day 5 - Squat 5x5, Deadlift 1 set of 5
    Day 6 - Work
    Day 7 - Chins, RDL
    Day 8 - Prowler
    Day 9 - Work

    This should solve some problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL


    Excellent. Thanks a ton, Rip.

    But you missed a question.

    But I guess an answer isn't really needed because who doesn't like posicles?

    Crazy people. That's who.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I didn't know that owning a dog was relevant to lifting difficulties. Should I kill mine?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Before the dog kills you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by The Emancipated Freak View Post
    I didn't know that owning a dog was relevant to lifting difficulties. Should I kill mine?
    I bet you don't even like popsicles, do you?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL



    In regards to the rotating squat singles, doubles, and triple, would you recommend keeping a constant weight throughout the cycle and increasing the load by 5lbs to begin anew, or should I be increasing the weight by 5lbs each new workout? I would assume it's the latter over the former due to the increasing reps while decreasing sets, but as I said in my original post I have no prior experience with singles and doubles and the like.

    375x5x1, 375x2x2, 375x3


    375x5x1, 380x2x2, 385x3

    Thanks again,


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by jon cowie View Post
    Were there extenuating circumstances in the snausages incident?
    If Rip hasn't heard about snausages, this will be hilarious.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jon cowie View Post
    Were there extenuating circumstances in the snausages incident?
    Rippetoe didn't kill Snausages, he was framed by Glassman.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by hatmanii View Post

    In regards to the rotating squat singles, doubles, and triple, would you recommend keeping a constant weight throughout the cycle and increasing the load by 5lbs to begin anew, or should I be increasing the weight by 5lbs each new workout?
    Titrate the loads to the work necessary that day. You guys think too highly of percentages and letting something besides YOU determine what to do, if you ask me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Daniel View Post
    If Rip hasn't heard about snausages, this will be hilarious.
    Go ahead and tell me about snausages. I don't leave the gym enough, I know.

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