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Thread: Injured myself. Need Advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Injured myself. Need Advice.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I injured myself trying to learn low bar squats Trying to get the bar lower as well as bringing my elbows out with my wrist straight has really put a strain on my shoulders and elbows. I'm experiencing pains in my biceps brachii tendons and rotator cuffs. I start to feel a little bit by the end of doing my squat reps then comes full on as I start to lift heavy on my presses and bench presses. In the past four workouts I haven't got pass my warm up sets in presses and benches without the pain becoming so intense I had to stop the work out. What should I do now? Do I take some time off from lifting or find alternative exercises until my injuries go away?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I say do your presses first that way you warm up and stretch your shoulders before you start squatting and putting strain on them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Try the Ibuprofen protocol and see whether that gets you back to training.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I looked up Ibuprofen protocol and what I got from it is to take 4 pills 4 times a day for 5 days then when I go back to working out just do my warm up sets and 1 work set 3 times a week?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    The chins may or may not be helpful, depending on how many you can do/how hard they are for you.

    Make sure not to take Ibuprofen on an empty stomach.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default having same problem

    My problems started with tennis (too tight of a grip?) and then a bad snatch where I bent one arm. My upper arm rotated up but my forearm did not. I was also cross fitting 3-4 times per week.

    So, with this kind of nagging pain in my elbow I started 'the program' around the beginning of July. Last couple of weeks I have been having the same problem described here, significant elbow and shoulder pain and numbness. Been on ibuprofen for over a week. Doing pullups every day. Nothing helps. Went to the chiro a couple of times last week (only $20/visit cash only) and we have been working on tender shoulder tendons/ligaments.

    So, I do my pressing movements first, squats last.

    In one of the posts related to this Mark intimates that this is a result of poor hand position during the squat. Did I misunderstand this? Can someone elaborate?

    Also, is it probable that the root cause of the problem is poor shoulder mobility?

    I'm sure every case is different and I think I may have two problems at once, something wrong with the elbow from the snatch and some kind of shoulder problem exacerbated by squats. I don't know how to isolate one problem from the other. Also, I am right-handed and am concerned that overuse may be contributing(computer mouse etc.).

    Further, I have noticed that my right arm/shoulder are significantly smaller than my left. Is that normal for a right-handed person? Related to this in any way?

    Sorry for the confusing post, but I have too many variables and not enough equations.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    I had the same problem when i started. From what i can see your grip is inside the score lines on the bar which i what i was doing also. I widened my grip and the problem has disappeared. I would suggest trying a grip width with your middle finger on the score lines on the bar to start and then move it out a bit more so your index finger is on the line if the problem persists.

    Also in trying to keep your wrists straight your elbows are very vertical, again i used to do the same thing. what i found helped stop the pain was, as well as widening my grip, not being too bothered about keeping the wrists straight but making sure that i focused on lifting my elbows up and allowing my wrists to bend. After a while you will find your shoulder flexibility improves and you will be able to lift your elbows up and keep your wrists straighter as well but for starters just focus on lifting the elbows more for now. Also do shoulder dislocations to help with shoulder flexibility, with a light resistance band preferably but if not a towel or broom handle works just as well.

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