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Thread: Busting vessels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Default Busting vessels

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Male, 23 yo, 185.6 lbs, started barbell training in February of 2021.

    I had a layoff (exceptionally busy, not an injury) from 12/08/22-02/02/23. During this time, I was training once a week (all four lifts). I was 218lbs at the beginning of December and my lifts were as follows (Best sets of five, using backoffs on bench and squat, and going for 15 total reps on press)

    Squat 350x5
    Bench 212.5x5
    Press 145x5
    Deadlift 390x5

    Current lifts (Post weight loss)*

    Squat 300x5x3
    Bench 195x5x3
    Press 125x5x3
    Deadlift 365x5

    Within two weeks of switching to once-a-week programming I started developing 'This'


    on my face and around my eyes. It happens exclusively with squats. If I go check in the mirror after the first work set, they will be all around my eyes and extending into my cheeks/eyebrows. I've gone back to a typical M-W-F training structure and the spots have gotten much less severe and they only pop up around my eyes now. But, they pop up EVERY time I squat, even on light days (Which is a meager 270lbs at this moment). I've only been able to find anecdotal evidence relating to this on the internet at large and this lovely forum. My nurse practitioner thinks this is nothing to be worried about and is encouraging me to continue lifting (I was planning on it anyway). I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before/if it is a sign of any underlying condition.

    - Thank you for your time

    *The weight loss was caused by an inability to eat due to me being an anxious, stress ridden, pussy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Petechia - Wikipedia

    Up your Vitamin C and keep training.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    Also make sure you're holding the valsalva with the glottis as opposed to the mouth. If I make this error, I feel more facial strain and get more petechia.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    I have given myself two black eyes from squatting. Like, punched-in-the-face style shiners. And burst capillaries all the time.

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