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Thread: Can a Strength Adaptation be Elicited over the course of 2 Consecutive Days

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Can a Strength Adaptation be Elicited over the course of 2 Consecutive Days

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I went to the gym Wednesday and felt HORRIBLE. I eeked out 1 squat work set of 5 and left before I hurt myself (first time I felt bad enough to leave a workout in over 2 years) Went in Thursday night, felt good and did 3 squat work sets (2 sets of 5 then add 20 pounds, 1 set of 3)then moved on to press and inverted rows. Immediately did sprinting (5 rounds of 25 seconds sprint, 125 seconds rest) whereby my legs felt as if they were modeled from cement, but my sprint times were about normal.

    Question: Is it possible that the 1 work set on Wednesday added to my Thursday strength adaptationor was it a waste of time? Can volume accumulated in 2 consecutive days be productively additive?

    Disclaimer, I do know that in 6 months, there will be no difference in overall strength session from 1 training session, but I am genuinely curious now as its the first time I've ever attempted heavy squats 2 days on a row.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Can volume accumulated in 2 consecutive days be productively additive?

    I used to have several clients on really weird weekly schedules: M,Tu,F. Out of necessity, we ran a variation of the Texas method, wherein M+Tu together made "volume" day. Worked very well. To me, it actually makes more sense than cramming a week's volume into a single session.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Interesting. My squat is a pathetic 295 pounds. I am one of those who's deadlift is greater than 150 pounds higher than squat. Off to see a SS coach this summer for evaluation.

    My legs have never felt so heavy doing sprinting as they did last night. But the times were A O K.

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