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Thread: Need guidance on advanced novice after stalling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Need guidance on advanced novice after stalling

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I decided to switch to advanced novice after a couple of stalls on squats.

    I started advanced novice at 265 lbs for squats at a bodyweight of 179 lbs (successfully completed 3x5 of 260lbs)

    First try I went 265x5x1 then dropped the weight for the third set. Second try I went 265x4x1 then dropped the weight on the third set. I think my recovery and diet was off for the days around those workouts.

    Today I went 265x5x5x3. Missed two reps after two days rest and making sure to eat 3500 calories. Also had some coffee 30 minutes before which I usually don't do.

    Here are set 1 and 2 from today. Couldn't film the third set.

    Set 1

    Set 2

    What do I do? Deload and build back up with normal advanced novice protocol? Start implementing back off sets? Start implementing 3x3?

    I appreciate any help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    how long have you done the program?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I've been on SS since October 22nd. So around 6 months. Gradually increased calories from 2700 to 3500 over that period. Which explains slower progress than others have made. I don't want to increase more than 3500 to reduce fat gain and personally it's difficult to get in all the food I need.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    from the looks of these videos you are not fat man....YNDTP the math does not lie

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I admit that I definitely didn't start off doing the program but I have for the past couple months once I got the book. It's tough to get in 3500 calories a day because my appetite isn't huge. It would be very difficult for me to get more than 3500 on a regular basis.

    But all things considered, what do you think the best plan if action is moving forward?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I would eat correctly first off because that will make or break your program. As far as programming i would probably reset about 5% and continue with 3 sets of 5. if you feel like you just can't recover try squatting 2 days a week monday and friday and don't worry about the light day. If you check my log thats what I've been doing for a while now with several resets due to life occurrences. Those "life occurrences" happen and sometimes you just need to reset a little and build back up to PRs but the second time through should be much quicker than the first. Anyways once you are grinding too much or you start missing reps drop to one top herculean set and then 2 back off sets of five -5%. hope this helps

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Boston, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    As far as programming i would probably reset about 5% and continue with 3 sets of 5. if you feel like you just can't recover try squatting 2 days a week monday and friday and don't worry about the light day.
    Alternatively you could try running your LP with 2 days of rest between sessions, if your schedule permits. (Mon, Thur, Sun, Wed, Sat, Tue, Fri, Mon.....). This is something in PPST3e for late stage novices that may work in your case if you are having trouble adequately recovering.

    I agree with eric though, get your diet in check. Liquid nutrition is key to getting those calories in. Flax Oil, Peanut Butter, Protein, Oats, Cocoa Powder, Ice, Chocolate Syrup, Milk... add it in a blender with proportions to suit your tastes. Drink 3 a day in between you meals. You will grow.

    Read Jordan's 'To Be A Beast' Article.

    Buy PPST3e and internalize the Advanced Novice sections.
    Last edited by Kundahli; 04-28-2014 at 08:15 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Thanks for the advice fellas. For now ill deload and try to build back up. I would rather incorporate back off sets than put two rest days between workouts. A MWF schedule works really well with my lifestyle.

    I have PPST and have read Jordan's article. I guess I'm just being a little bit of a bitch with the eating. One year ago before I started lifting I weighed 143lbs; now I'm 179. Ideally I want to bulk to around 210-215 before I even think about cutting but don't want to gain too much fat along the way.

    If I do increase calories, how much of a jump do you guys think will be needed to milk more LP? Moving to 3700 or 3800?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Boston, MA


    Are you honestly and accurately tracking your calories that tightly?

    I'm no expert but I would say just titrate up. Add in something like another tablespoon of PB or another cup of milk, or another scoop of protein, or another scoop of oats. If thats not working then add in yet another pinch of something. Jordan's nutrition forum will be able to provide you much better advice.

    If you want to do it on the loose and dirty (ie: no stat tracking)... stay away from things super high in fat, eat tons of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats. You really cant overeat oats and get fat. Go fucking nuts with them if you arent growing or you are feeling weak. Oats are my go to lol. Get 3-4 solid protein meals in a day and hit two-three shakes in between.

    EDIT: Read this. Post it on your mirror and locker room...

    "So often readers will follow our articles month after month and will never get the point of what we are trying to put over. Actually, all they read it for is to be entertained and to hear that others have made big gains and that they can make them too if they try. They will take their workouts haphazardly. They will follow the diet advice in the same manner and then wonder why they don't gain. When we say you must work hard, we mean HARD. When we say you must use heavy weights, we mean HEAVY WEIGHTS. When we say you must push yourself, we mean you must DRIVE YOURSELF UNMERCIFULLY. When we say you must drink four quarts of milk, we do not mean two. When we ask you to eat more food, we mean more food, not a canary bird diet. If we tell you to eat five meals a day, we do not mean two skimpy ones per day. We know that many of you follow advice in this indifferent manner and you will not gain as long as you do. Let this be a turning point in your training. Make a resolution to go "all out" this coming year and become a superman."

    Peary Reader, Iron Man Magazine, 1958
    Last edited by Kundahli; 04-28-2014 at 08:54 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Way to grind out those squats! Good form too. Carry on :-)
    Last edited by kessg; 04-28-2014 at 10:59 PM.

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