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Thread: Random training questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA

    Default Random training questions

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    I have finally reached the point where I'm ready to admit I have some serious training/competition ADHD. I do have a question, and you can skip the following to see it, but first here is a little bit of background:

    2006 - Got off the couch and started playing soccer. Fell in love with the game.

    2007 - Started going back to the gym and put together my own program made up of random lifts. It was three days/week and had a push day, pull day, and an "explosive" day (what I called it then) that consisted of box jumps, push presses, etc. Main focus was still playing soccer though.

    2008 - Found CrossFit towards the end of 2008 and went all out with the 3 on/1 off schedule while still playing soccer multiple times per week. Seemed to be working well...

    2009 - Became overtrained early in the year. Also found SS. Tried to do SS while playing soccer and not eating enough. Lasted about a month before I stopped. Started to do outdoor workouts mainly consisting of bodyweight and odd object circuits. Played less soccer as the year went on and by October stopped playing all together and focused on strength/weight gain (weighed 185 at this point). Did about a month and a half of linear progression, then switched to 5/3/1.

    2010 - By March was up to a bodyweight of 235. Lifts were all at all-time bests, but my gut I had a visible gut and my conditioning levels were abysmal. Went camping on Memorial Day and reached a breaking point when a 4 mile hike killed me. Stopped lifting for almost two months and played soccer and did some sprinting. Now down to 215 and have an okay level of conditioning. Just started lifting again a couple weeks ago, but with no real programming as I am not sure where to go from here.

    I am now at the point where I have the following goals:

    Bodyweight - 200lbs
    Squat - 400lbs
    Deadlift - 500lbs
    Press - 200lbs
    Bench - 300lbs
    Conditioning - able to play a full game of soccer and not feel like my body is broken afterwards

    I don't care how long it takes to get to the strength goals (although I threw my hat in the ring for the 2/3/4/5 competition), but I would like to get my conditioning up sooner rather than later.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for programming? Or any resources they would recommend? I am tired of bouncing from one thing to the next and just want a plan to get stronger while still playing the sport I love.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    You've failed to mention your current lifts and bodyweight.

    I dont have much to add other than most people probably will not be able to linearly progress to your lifting goals at a 200lb bodyweight.

    Ive heard of people using 5/3/1 to good effect while adding a bit of conditioning.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


    Sorry, my bodyweight was listed in the long, rambling part. I don't know my true, current 1RMs as I haven't tested them since my couple months off of training. If I were to give an estimate I would say this would be conservative.

    BW - current 215 (goal 200)
    Squat - 275 (400)
    Deadlift - 360 (500)
    Press - 170 (200)
    Bench - 245 (300)

    I've been thinking of doing a stripped down, 2 day/week version of 5/3/1. Basically do Squat/Bench day 1 and DL/Press day 2. Where I start to quesion things is whether I should go for max reps, or do 3 sets of 5 week 1, 3 sets of 3 week 2, etc. I am willing to take SLOW gains so I think the latter idea could work. I just hate that my two favorite physical hobbies are pretty much on opposite ends of the spectrum.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    How do the weight percentages change in the 5/3/1 method

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


    A normal cycle is like this:

    Week 1 - 5x65%/5x75%/Max Repsx85%
    Week 2 - 3x70%/3x80%/Max Repsx90%
    Week 3 - 5x75%/3x85%/Max Repsx95%
    Week 4 (deload) - 5x40%/5x50%/5x60%

    I am thinking about doing:

    Week 1 - 5x65%/5x75%/5x85%
    Week 2 - 3x70%/3x80%/3x90%
    Week 3 - 5x75%/3x85%/1x95%
    No deaload

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Sousa View Post
    I've been thinking of doing a stripped down, 2 day/week version of 5/3/1. Basically do Squat/Bench day 1 and DL/Press day 2. Where I start to quesion things is whether I should go for max reps, or do 3 sets of 5 week 1, 3 sets of 3 week 2, etc. I am willing to take SLOW gains so I think the latter idea could work. I just hate that my two favorite physical hobbies are pretty much on opposite ends of the spectrum.

    I've done this for a few months now. First I went to 531 programming for my deadlift and squatted and pressed using linear progression. Then I switched to 531 using a two days a week approach a few months ago, basically cause I wanted time to do other stuff in the summer. It's worked fairly well, I've usually gotten in one or two days of traininglike activity, either playing sports or playing around with conditioning/gymnastics/pressing my dumbbell overhead.

    Did a deload week cause of hip/SI issues that were present before starting the program.

    Generally felt fresh and wanting to get to the gym.

    Set some PRs but very modest for the squat and press. Bench moving well and pulled 195kg for 6 a few weeks ago which is huge for me. Also got better at dips, chins, jump rope, conditioning.

    So I'd recommend it, but going for max reps is probably a good plan. Deload if you need it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    What is the rationale behind only training twice per week?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Reynolds View Post
    What is the rationale behind only training twice per week?
    I am playing soccer at least once and sometimes twice per week. Weeks that I don't play twice I will do a conditioning workout.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I don't think that playing a sport 1-2 times per week means that you can't train more than twice per week. If you are adamantly opposed to training on days you play, then by simple math we can see that 7 days per week minus (-) 2 days for soccer equals (=) 5 days that you have the option to train. I would think that certainly 3 days training with barbells is more than feasable, along with an additional anaerobic alactic conditioning session.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Reynolds View Post
    I don't think that playing a sport 1-2 times per week means that you can't train more than twice per week. If you are adamantly opposed to training on days you play, then by simple math we can see that 7 days per week minus (-) 2 days for soccer equals (=) 5 days that you have the option to train. I would think that certainly 3 days training with barbells is more than feasable, along with an additional anaerobic alactic conditioning session.
    Agreed. In the book, Wendler reccommends 3-4 days of 5/3/1 and 3-4 days of conditioning as a method of staying North of Vag. The 2 day/week split is designed more for when life slams you with a lot at once, not for intramural soccer season.

    If you start overreaching, do prescribed reps only, drop a conditioning session (Depending on how intense your soccer games are you may not need an extra conditioning day), or both. As for your weight, have you considered a nutrition consult with John Sheaffer? I think he'd be able to help you make some favorable body comp changes to make you a solid 215 instead of a calorie-deficient 200.

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