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Thread: Advice desired from OLY-lifters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Advice desired from OLY-lifters

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I am a huge fan of Power Cleans; I can't get enough of 'em. I seem to have hit a bit of a stall. On a good day, I'll get 245 for a couple of doubles, and when I'm just not "feeling it", I'll 205 for as many triples as I can for 20 minutes or so. Anyway, I am currently doing heavy squatting sessions 3 times per week (sort of following a broz inspired personal template), and doing Power Cleans, RDL's, and DL's once per week. I am considering dropping the DL and RDL, in exchange for alternating Power Cleans and Hang Cleans every other day I pull. I have never done hang cleans seriously before, but recently read a convincing article by Glen Pendlay, espousing that hang cleans are a great lift to improve the second pull of the power clean.
    Here is my question:
    In what context is the deadlift dropped from olympic lifting programs? In other words, at what point does the recreational OLY lifter find it more beneficial to focus on the quick pulls, and use the heavy pulls sparingly, if at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Are you deadlifting 2.5 times your bodyweight? It should probably be at least that far before thinking about dropping it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by kinski View Post
    I am a huge fan of Power Cleans; I can't get enough of 'em. I seem to have hit a bit of a stall. On a good day, I'll get 245 for a couple of doubles, and when I'm just not "feeling it", I'll 205 for as many triples as I can for 20 minutes or so. Anyway, I am currently doing heavy squatting sessions 3 times per week (sort of following a broz inspired personal template), and doing Power Cleans, RDL's, and DL's once per week. I am considering dropping the DL and RDL, in exchange for alternating Power Cleans and Hang Cleans every other day I pull. I have never done hang cleans seriously before, but recently read a convincing article by Glen Pendlay, espousing that hang cleans are a great lift to improve the second pull of the power clean.
    Here is my question:
    In what context is the deadlift dropped from olympic lifting programs? In other words, at what point does the recreational OLY lifter find it more beneficial to focus on the quick pulls, and use the heavy pulls sparingly, if at all?
    Well that would depend on who you ask. Mark Rippetoe and Shane Hamman would both say that you should not drop deadlifts ever.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    North of Minnesota, eh


    I was like you kinski. I got excited by the lifts and switched and I have to agree about the heavy pulls, keep them programmed as long as you can. If you'd like to get into olympic lifting check out this program that was recently posted. It will allow you to keep doing LP on the strength lifts and get work on the olympic lifts.

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