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Thread: Carlos Daniel's lifting log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Default Carlos Daniel's lifting log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey guys, I feel it might be interesting to post my training here again. I don't know where I placed my notebook and I should be writing down this stuff so here it goes.

    Next meet is IPL worlds in November so this is not an "off-season" kinda training.


    120kg x3x8

    Elbows hurts all over. Was able to push through the pain. This is due to Friday's workout, heavy squats irritate the elbow.

    200kg x3x3
    x1 (paused)
    Technique could have been better. A little hard but nothing out of the ordinary. Was able to avoid pain by using the competition rack and putting the uprights in the "in" position and grab the bar with a wider grip.



    x1 (paused)

    Last week was 200kg and it was kinda hard, I was bold and decided to up in weight. All went well, all reps were sorta hard but solid. Tore a callus. Meh.

    Swiss bar bent-over rows

    Bar (40kg bar)+ 50kgx5x3

    I should have done OHP but didn't want to risk irritating my elbows for no good reason. First time doing these, liked it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Squat with wraps

    260kg x3
    This was done with the APT Strangulator wraps. This is the stuff of legends, people. It isn't even produced anymore.
    Alas, I filmed this and all reps were a little high. Not quite sure since my shorts are baggy and I couldn't see the hip crease.

    240kg x3
    This was done with Inzer True Black wraps. I'm really starting to like these wraps. I have a 2.0m pair of those, due to the length they were unsuitable for heavy work. But these are the 2.5m version and I gotta say, 240kg was never as easy!

    Next week I'm gonna go back to my good ol' Titan THP wrap. They eat your knee skin but you can't beat it for support.

    Bench press

    150kg x3 (tng).
    Actually first rep was very lightly paused. Third rep was ugly. Should have been easier.


    Paused. Also, heavier than expected.

    Hammer curls
    24kg x8

    Concentration hammer curls

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Have you figured out why squats are hurting your elbows? I've dealt with it a lot and could give some suggestions that have worked for me if you're interested.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    What I've noticed is that my elbows hurt when it's a heavy squat. I can't find anything wrong other than my shoulder flexibility/mobility. Suggestions are welcome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    You're a stronger/more experienced lifter than I am so who knows if it'll help, but I've had a lot of issues with squats killing my elbows. It was not only drastically affecting my other lifts but at some points hurt really bad even outside of the gym.

    One thing that always helped, which you probably already know, was taking a wider grip on the bar. That worked for me for awhile until my gym put in all new racks and I couldn't go as wide anymore. The widest I can go now is index finger on the rings, but even 1" wider helped keep the elbow pain under control.

    Eventually I found that the underlying cause was my elbows getting under the bar while squatting. I know some lifters like to cue keeping the elbows under, but it seems there's some extent to which that's possible before the elbows hurt. For me it was subtle. It never showed up on lighter weights, but once I got to heavier sets (say 405+ for me) I would subconsciously drive my elbows under almost as if I was trying to press the bar. The underlying cause of THAT was that my chest was dropping -- not in the goodmorning sense, but in the 'upper back is rounding' sense -- and in order to keep the bar on my back in the low bar position I had to drop my elbows under and bear a lot of the load. The eventual fix for me was to really focus on keeping my chest up and my upper back rigidly arched, even if it meant the reps were initially harder, and to focus on keeping my elbows motionless. Not 'back', just motionless. The chest/elbows thing was my biggest issue.

    Another minor thing I've found is making sure the bar is motionless across your back when you unrack it. I've found if it feels like it rolls when you unrack it, even a tiny bit, my elbows feel a little sore after the rep/set.

    Anyway, hopefully some of that helps; I know how frustrating the elbow shit can be.

    Edit: if you think it might be the elbows coming under as I described I found it best to get a video of some squats with a close to side view so you can fully see the elbows. It can be pretty subtle. You can see a tendency for that even on great lifters, e.g. I've noticed Dan Green's elbows wobbling a tiny bit on his heavy sets; it looks like they want to go under but he does a good job keeping them motionless.
    Last edited by elVarouza; 09-13-2014 at 01:37 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    This is driving me crazy. My grip is as wide as I can grab it without losing too much stability on my back. The 200kg squat were pretty much pain free but the 260kg wasn't. I'm feeling it until now and I felt it during training today. Had to take a bunch of meds to stop it from hurting with daily activities.


    Rack pulls (just below the knee)


    Did this without straps on purpose, mostly to train my grip and confidence with heavier weights. Last week was 240kg so I'm happy. Hard-ish. Not a limit 3RM thing certainly.

    Deficit deadlift (paused)


    Hard-ish. About 10cm deficit, with the pause, it was slow.

    Elbows hurt. Ouch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




    125kg x4x6

    Elbows fucking hurting but was able to bench. Last set was a triple actually, paused.

    Pin squats
    170kg x3
    175kg x2
    170kg x4

    Squats from a dead stop. Fully unloaded between reps, first rep from the bottom. For some reason I could not budge the third rep with 175kg. I liked those, but perhaps it was too easy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tulsa, OK


    My elbow story is a little different. I used to have problems because I had higher elbows, but when it got heavy, I would crank down on the bar. For me the solution was to think about getting my palms more under the bar, even with the SS thumbs over grip. This brought my elbows down a little and so it was much more neutral. It was like magic....for me.

    Not sure if I've seen you squat in a while, but aren't your palms usually a little higher on the bar?

  9. #9
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by sking1001 View Post
    My elbow story is a little different. I used to have problems because I had higher elbows, but when it got heavy, I would crank down on the bar. For me the solution was to think about getting my palms more under the bar, even with the SS thumbs over grip. This brought my elbows down a little and so it was much more neutral. It was like magic....for me.

    Not sure if I've seen you squat in a while, but aren't your palms usually a little higher on the bar?
    Quote Originally Posted by JC View Post
    Just my experience boiled down, but I found pulling down on the bar (which stopped me pushing it up/supporting it) and squeezing elbows together instead of up worked out best. Good luck dealing with it anyway, you were one of the shining examples I wanted to emulate when I started.
    I might try the pulling down and elbows together thing. I think the main problem is that with 260kg, you're just too damn worried about the bar going up more than anything else and little stuff like elbows are the last thing on your mind.

    JC that's an awesome thing to hear. I hope I was a good example then!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    starting strength coach development program

    Elbows seem to recover a little bit, but I decided to not to push it too hard to leave something for Friday.

    Pin bench

    110kg x3x3

    Slow-ish, but I think more due to the elbows thing more than anything. These were done with a full unloading between reps, down, relax for 5 seconds, brace and push.


    205kg x3x3

    It was harder than expected. 210kg was much easier last week. I really hope it was a result of the pin squats, my legs were fairly sore and felt weak and so was my back. Grip wasn't 100% either, so I decided to do the last set with straps.

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