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Thread: Novice LP & power cleans

  1. #1
    stonerider Guest

    Default Novice LP & power cleans

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    One thing I haven't seen talked about on here is where most people stall out on their 5x3 for power cleans. How high were you able to take your power cleans before you first stalled and where you eventually abandoned the 5x3 LP?

  2. #2
    stonerider Guest


    this didn't go over very well

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Interesting you posted this because I was actually interested in your power cleans. I've seen people ask you, and you answer for squats, bench press and deadlifts but not power cleans

  4. #4
    stonerider Guest


    when i was doing SS/TM i got up to around 225 x 3 x 5 and then stopped because i cared more about my deadlift being recovered

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    most people just seem to give it up before 190lbs due to one reason or another. it may not be that technical of a lift, but compared to the big 3 it might as well be rocket science to noobs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I managed to alternate power cleans and deadlifts up until 90kg x 3 x 5 and 200kg x 5 respectively. I stopped doing cleans because of the amount of back fatigue I was getting, but since then my deadlift has gone down.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Austin, Tx


    I got up to 215 before my gym put the kibosh on them (pretty sure my form was atrocious as well). Started back up a few months ago with a much slower approach, which has really helped my form.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Newport News, VA


    Noob report here. The following doesn't directly answer the question asked, but it might be useful.

    I haven't plateaued on them at all in terms of potential power, but it's a real struggle getting the proper feel for the pull. In other words, the power is surely there, but applying that power to the lift is a work in progress. Deadlift is currently 310 and climbing up smoothly. On power cleans I worked my way quickly up to 115, but form was terrible and getting worse. I dropped back down to 95 and after a couple practice sessions am working my way up again from there. Now at least I'm getting a few pulls that really fly up, whereas before everything was a mess. I'll get there eventually, but I can see how a proper coach would really help with these.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by skipbeat View Post
    most people just seem to give it up before 190lbs due to one reason or another. it may not be that technical of a lift, but compared to the big 3 it might as well be rocket science to noobs
    That's where I quit (185). I took them from 135 to 185 over 5 weeks or so, and after a horrible session at 185 I decided I would rather spend my energy on increasing my total. I plan to add them in again after I reach a 1200 total.

    per RussB: 6'2" 270
    Last edited by jsteffen80; 04-24-2012 at 04:14 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    I think I did 180 or so before I stopped completely. I have limited time, so I was trying to cram squats, bench/press, power cleans/deadlift, chins, etc into too short a time and they suffered.

    I'm just now putting them back into my programming once a week and my 1 rep max is right around 175. So they suffered a lot.

    I'm doing 5/3/1 Full Body template right now so I'll have to see how well they fit in. I haven't figured out exactly how to program them effectively yet. But as usual I have a short amount of time per day, so I'm not sure how many reps or what scheme I'm going to do.

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