squatted 405x5, pulled 405x4, benched 215x4x6, pressed 137x4x6 and ive powercleaned about 215, although I need work on this. As you can see, I dont have wonderful pressing strength. My squat shows no sign of slowing down, my pressing movements have been much more enjoyable with DE work on intensity day and a different set/rep scheme, and I'm going to start haltings and rack pulls on mondays, when I usually deadlift. Much less stress that way.
I'm 5'9, 205lbs, 22-24% bf. 20 years old.
I might have still been a novice when I started TM. I was coming off of a few months of Madcow 5x5, and I never did Starting Strength. Oh well, I'm happy with my progress.