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Thread: Squat & Deadlift check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Squat & Deadlift check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Got some great advice and inspiration from Paul in my previous thread:

    On Saturday I was concentrating very hard at 72.5kg on keeping my knees out on the squat, coming down slowly and coming back up fast. It felt hard, I failed on the 2nd set. I realised that when I was focusing on keeping my knees out, I was shifting my weight onto the outside edge of my foot, instead of keeping it balanced over the whole foot.
    Today I think I managed to correct that by focusing on spreading my knees apart from the hips, and concentrating on keeping my feet planted.

    However it was still hard, much harder than 80kg with my old shitty technique. Watching my 3rd set, it seems that my squats are worse than ever. While I might be succeeding at slamming my knees forward and out at the beginning of the descent, I'm definitely not succeeding in keeping them there:

    Am I coming down too far? Am I still coming down too fast? It feels to me like I am descending very very slowly and under control, but watching the video it still looks like I am relaxing on those last few inches. Are my feet pointed out enough. Looking down at them, they look like they are at around 30 degrees, but watching the video, it looks like less.

    Here is a video of my work set of deadlifts at 90kg: - felt very easy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Boise, ID


    If you failed on your second set you didn't take enough weight off the bar. Drop back another 5-10kg until we get this technique sorted out. THEN we'll go up and can make some aggressive jumps.

    As you saw, you are failing to stay tight and keep your knees out at the bottom. You are going slow most of the way, then allowing yourself to fall into the hole. That's when your knees cave in. Shove your knees out and KEEP THEM OUT at the bottom. Cut your reps off higher. In fact, for now, as soon as you feel like falling into the bottom, drive up instead. Better yet, find a wood box or stack some plates to the proper height and try to tap it with your butt. Don't sit on it, stay tight and tap it as you drive up. KNEES OUT no matter what.

    That's a pretty crappy angle from which to coach the deadlift. Side view would be preferred. I can tell that you are dropping your hips too low when you squeeze your chest up. Read the sticky about pulls from the floor. Follow each step to the letter. Once you drop you shins, the hips are at the right height. Don't drop them any lower; just squeeze the chest up. Hips ups, chest up!

    Fix and repost, brother Kostas.

    (please include a front and 45 degree to the rear view of your squats)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Thanks for your advice on my squats. I will post again later in the week with the additional angles video-ed. It feels weird that trying for better technique makes the weight feel so much heavier, I assume that's normal? I know that my legs hurt as though these were my first squat workouts again. Just to clarify, the video I posted was from yesterday and was 70kg. The failed set was on Saturday at 72.5kg.

    Apologies for the deadlift video angle. For some reason, I got the impression that a rear view was preferred. I'll post a better video next time and hopefully I'll have fixed the form errors too.

    Your patience is much appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Here are my squats from today. 65kg. I filmed from the back at around 45 degrees, from the side, and from the front at 45 degrees, but for some reason I seem to only be able to upload 2 vids a week.

    Rear view:

    Side view:

    These seem to be better, the box is helping. Is my depth okay? As far as I can see, I am still making the following mistakes:

    1. I am not looking down. I look down at first but soon as the descent starts, I look forward.
    2. On some reps I cock my hips back before starting to descend. I have always done this, if I concentrate I can stop it. Need to be more careful.
    3. On the last 2 reps of the second set, my knees start drifting around again at the bottom.

    I hope I am right and that they are improving. It's frustrating that 65kg feels as hard as it does, I assume it's just because I am learning a new movement? Watching the vids, it doesn't look as though I am really struggling, so maybe I am just a wimp.

    Should I be wearing a belt at such low weights? It makes staying tight easier.

    P.S. Apologies for the shitty deadlift video angle in my last post, for some reason I got the impression that the rear view was acceptable. Reading the stickies though, of course I was wrong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Boise, ID


    These are better.

    SLOW DOWN on the descent. Stretch into the bottom, don't bomb into it. Again, look down about a foot in front of your toes and keep an eye on your knees. Shove them out and keep them out. Finally, stop trying come up with your chest. Lean over more on the way down and drive your ass up first out of the hole. See if you can put the bar a little lower on your back.

    Don't worry about a belt yet.

    Fix. Repost. Onward.

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