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Thread: Achilles/Calf pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Achilles/Calf pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hi coaches. My squat progress has stalled recently. I'll explain what's going on.

    In early April I hit 345x5 followed by 325x5x2. It was solid. Then I went away for 3 weeks with no access to a gym and therefore, no maintenance. Upon my return I attempted 315 for 5 but either my head wasn't in it or something but I failed on rep 3. Now I should have deloaded further but I tried to make 315 work the next two sessions with similar results. During those sessions I noticed some pain in my calf/Achilles tendon area. It's only on my right side. I deloaded to 225 for 5x5 and jumped my way back up to 335x5, 315x5x2 with minimal pain but since as the weight gets back up the pain comes back. Most recently I had an ugly failed session at 345. I may be compensating for the pain but I'm not sure if it's a mental or physical thing. Does this sound like anything I need to check or do I just need to work through it? (Motrin has been helping mitigate some of the pain)

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I don't know that there's enough info here for us to really say. Is there anything else you might have done to cause it? Have you tried SMR or massage? Are you taking 10 lb jumps?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    I'll see if I can describe what happened a little better. (I should mention I've been dealing with some sciatica pain since January but it hasn't really affected my lifts).

    On my return I attempted 315 and failed on the 3rd rep. The next day my calf on my right leg was sore. It was the on the outside of the leg behind where my shin is. Not sure but it feels like it's either Extensor Digitorum Longus or Tibialis Anterior:frontal legs.jpg I guess it's possible there was some knee shifting or twisting?

    I then deloaded to 225x5x5 , then 255x5x4 then 285x5x3, 295x5x3, 305x5x3, 315x5x3 then up by 5 from there.
    During this time there felt like a knot of some sort in my Gastrocnemius Medial Head: legs back.jpg and in my Achilles tendon. I notice it most when I'm crouching down to play with my son for example then get back up. I have not tried massage yet and feel like a dolt cause I'm not sure what SMR is but I doubt I've done it.

    The sciatica hasn't been as noticeable though since this started happening.

    I guess this is a silly way to try to figure this thing out. I guess I am just wondering if this sounds like anything you've come across before and if I should just muscle through it. I appreciate the help despite my poor description

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    SMR is self myofascial release, using any of the now myriad implements out there for this stuff. Rumble rollers, MWOD products, lacrosse balls, etc...

    It sounds like the anterior tib issue resolved, and then a new one popped up in the gastrocs. Is that right? I'm not sure the two things are even related.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Tib still bothers me from time to time... not as bad. I was guessing they were related if only cause one may have developed as I compensated for the other? It's pitching me forward a little bit though when the weights get heavy. When I failed at 345 it was a forward fall (lucky for safety pins)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I would try SMRing them regularly and see what happens. Do so aggressively, but like anything else, don't start by going ape-shit on it and then be upset and surprised when you're super sore the next day. Roll it out and add a bit of intensity and time (volume) to what you do each day - like a linear progression - and see if you don't see some improvements over a week or two. If you aren't familiar with SMR or how to do it, there are lots of resources out there on that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    I will do that. Thanks! I have already started checking them out and it looks like it won't be a problem to do.

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