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Thread: Squat form check 260 - seeing if my judgement is right

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Squat form check 260 - seeing if my judgement is right

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'm looking into entering a PL'ing meet in late august just to get the experience, as such i decided to wear my singlet today to make sure i can get clear depth in it. Below are two squat sessions from earlier today, the first video is my third work set and the latter is one where i aimed for more knee travel. The latter video where i had more knee travel seemed to give me more bounce coming out of the hole and seemed to give me clearer depth. Excuse the lighting in the first video which maybe ruining my ability to judge the depth, but some of the reps seem solid while others seemed high.

    BTW the biggest thanks to all you coaches and Wolf for clear and timely advice you offer such as "sit back" was the cue i needed to solve the squat depth puzzle.

    Squat 260 - third set

    Squat 260 with more knee travel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Second set had much better depth. It looks like you are letting the bar travel forward on you and by the top you are on your toes. Keep the bar over the midfoot. Look down, not straight ahead. I realize you are almost kissing the wall, so do your best. Your video had better lighting than most that get posted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Okay so coming up I seem it come forward on my toes or the weights shifting me that way, correct? I have this from yesterday which felt great, but the single afterwards felt and looked great.

    squat 265 - third set
    265 single post set

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Those look pretty good. I'd like to see you looking down, but otherwise things are solid.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Thank You! These are finally feeling good, I try the look down cue but it's hard because I'm facing so close to a wall. I don't feel safe changing the pins to the other side because incase of a hard rerack I don't want the shit tipping.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by James72090 View Post
    Thank You! These are finally feeling good, I try the look down cue but it's hard because I'm facing so close to a wall. I don't feel safe changing the pins to the other side because incase of a hard rerack I don't want the shit tipping.
    As the weights get heavier, you should probably bolt the rack to the floor. Tipping either way will be bad news.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    What i am noticing is that my singles are better than my multiple reps, is this expected? I see for my last set the first two are at or above parallel while the latter three look okay as i could afford to be tighter.

    270 third set
    270 single from today

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Yes, singles will almost always look better than fives when done at the same weight. I want you to tell me why. All of your squats looked fine. No need for more form checks. Just make them heavier.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Okay, I'm assuming my singles go better because I'm going in their with commitment and knowledge I'm going to hit a solid rep. Unlike when doing a set, I feel I'm putting in the work and as reps go on fatigue.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Fatigue was the correct answer. Well done.

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