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Thread: Weird Shoulder Pain When Pressing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Raleigh, NC

    Default Weird Shoulder Pain When Pressing

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I experimented with a stint of high frequency training, and was basically pressing (benching or overhead) heavy everyday or every other day. And, doing a fair amount of mixed conditioning.

    After about 3 months a weakness and instability began during the press on my right side. I could feel it some during the bench press, although strength was unaffected and wasn't painful. It didn't seem to be an acute injury, I just noticed it out of the blue one day.

    I seem to have complete range of motion in my shoulder, although there is some pain when going through overhead, abducted movements. Especially the range of motion where the elbow is level with the shoulders, and the arms are externally rotated.

    Originally, I though it was pec minor tightness, and something related to posture. I spend too much time on the computer and that may be a factor. I smashed the hell out of the pec with a lacross ball and barbell sleeve and that seemed to give it instant relief and more pain free range. However, now it's back and the pec isn't as tight. I've been working on internal/external range of motion and it seems to be of acceptable range.

    I separated (class II) that side about 5 years ago but have had zero issues with that since it originally healed.

    Pressing lighter weights doesn't hurt. As I reach over about 50% of my max, then it starts to act up and just feels very unstable on that side.

    Again, benching doesn't seem to bother it. Neither do dips or pushups, or any other pulling/rowing motions. During those movements, I can feel that it's not 100%, but it doesn't affect strength or pain like it does when overhead pressing.

    If you could shed some light or suggest some movement tests to isolate it, that would be great. I am at a loss as to what this could be, as I haven't seen any of my trainees experience this or dealt with anything similarbefore.

    Originally, I could press bodyweight x 6, and now I doubt I could get it even up for a single

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I'll bet you have irritated the subacromial bursa with all the silly CrossFit shit. Drop the volume, keep the pressing to 2x/week starting at about 75%, and go back up from there while it heals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Raleigh, NC


    I'll bet you have irritated the subacromial bursa with all the silly CrossFit shit.
    That made me smile!

    That was my plan, may start lighter than 75% though. Whatever I can get some reps in pain free and build up progressively.

    Also, regarding squatting, it seems to be affected when racking/unracking the barbell. It isn't unbearable, but definitely has a spike of pain when getting out from under the bar.

    I have a safety squat bar, I was thinking about using that instead until the pain was cleared. Thoughts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The squat is not damaging your shoulder. Just use the barbell.

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