No. You're typical. You may be seeing the results of above-parallel squatting, or undertraining the pull.
Hey coach, the more I look around the forum I keep seeing DL numbers right in the area of squat weight or even LOWER. This seem strange to me, I just set two PR sets of five with squat and deads yesterday at 235# and 315# respectively, am I the oddball with that big of a gap between the two?
No. You're typical. You may be seeing the results of above-parallel squatting, or undertraining the pull.
I noticed the same thing when looking through the "Goals" thread but I asked the question to the actual people...some of them said they are just built against deadlifting (short arms)...the discrepancy in your numbers look like best squat of 5 is 365 where my best dl of 5 is 450; I consider myself to be built fairly proportionally, nothing is too over-sized except for my stupid big rib cage and shoulders, which doesn't seem to serve any kind of aid in the lifts