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Thread: Brik City's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Brik City's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I already have a log over at, but I figure I'll start one here since I can't get on that site at work. This way I can just copy and post my entries over there when I'm home.

    Boring Background Stuff:
    I did upper body lifts since high school bodybuilding style on and off but never ate to grow and never did any lower body so I remained real skinny. As of 2009 I was 6'3", 160pounds but decently strong in the upper body. I started actively trying to gain weight around that time but still didn't know about SS or anything. In 2010 I began SS along with GOMAD and got my weight up to about 200 with a little gut. My squat at that time was about 265x5x3, but I had hurt my back deadlifting with awful form.

    In October of 2010, I went to a SS sponsored deadlift seminar at Greyskull (Sheaffer's last seminar affiliated with Rippetoe), got my deadlift form straightened out, my diet straightened out, and was introduced to the Greyskull LP. A week later though, I partially tore my right patellar tendon. Then, in early 2011, I had a scope on my left knee to clean out bone chips from multiple dislocations. That meant the whole beginning of 2011 was back to being all upper body workouts. I made good progress there and then by July was able to start deadlifting and playing sports again. Squats were still out because I was playing basketball and the resulting pain was too bad to do both. I chose basketball. I had a solid run on the deadlifts though before partially tearing the right patellar tendon again this past November. I took about a month and a half off the deadlift but have been able to start up again in January. I still don't know when I will be able to squat again though.

    Current Program:
    I am running a quasi-Texas Method program right now. Here is what it looks like:

    Monday- Presses 3x5
    Weighted Chins 3x5

    Wednesday- Bench Press- 2 sets to failure (choosing weights where I should get 4-6 reps on first set and 8-12 on second set)
    Curls- 2 sets to failure (8-12)
    Deadlifts- 1x5

    Friday- Presses- 2 or 3 sets to failure (1-3), (4-6), (8-12). I sometimes skip the 1-3 if I want a break from going heavy.
    Weighted Chins- 2 sets to failure (4-6), (7-10)
    Assistance work (a tricep exercise or shrugs)- 2 sets to failure

    This program is set up to give priority to the press over the bench obviously, and the reason is that I ran Smolov Jr for Bench at the end of 2011 and got a lot out of it, so I am not as worried about my bench right now. For weighted chins, I always go by total weight, meaning my bodyweight plus the belt weight.

    30 years old
    193 pounds
    Squat- 265x5x3 (Oct, 2010)
    Deadlift- 345x5 (November, 2011)
    Bench- 320x1 (December, 2011)
    Press- 190x1, 165x5 (Feb, 2012)
    Weighted Chins- 266.1x5 (Feb, 2012)

    Goals by end of 2012:
    - bodyweight of 215 pounds, with bodyfat staying around the same (approx 15-17%)
    - begin squatting again (hopefully March) and get new PR's there
    - 500 pound deadlift
    - Press 215
    - Bench 345
    - Weighted Chins of 300x5

    I am involved with bet concerning the bodyweight. Each quarter I owe money if I am not at certain levels. They are:
    3/31- 198
    6/30- 205
    9/30- 210
    12/31- 215

    I gotta step my game up there or I'll owe a lot of loot.
    Last edited by Briks42; 02-13-2012 at 10:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Also, I will be making frequent references to a few things here that I should probably define:

    -BBC- BROcklehurst Barbell Club- This is my parent's basement (and backyard and bedroom) where we work out. Its called BROcklehurst because its on Brocklehurst Street and because me and my crew are Bros.

    I know Bros has a negative context around here, but thats because no one understands what it really means. It basically means being really really ridiculously good looking and tough and cool and funny and humble. Not sure why anyone would hate on that.

    Anyway, BBC is most known for its leather reclining couches, big screen Plasma TV, great sound system, and my Dad playing freecell on the computer shirtless while we lift. It was built to replicate the old Bulgarian lifting team's gyms. They swore by Plasma Tv's. Also, we press outside because the ceilings are too low. Neighbors think we are gangster. We also cook on the grill immediately following every workout. Steak chicken and hot sausage are the norms. Frank's red hot BBQ sauce on grilled chicken is titties.

    -Coys- He is one of my workout partners. He has a big body and a small head. He can't bench press because he has a gay shoulder and cant curl because he has gay elbows (or something) so he just deadlifts squats presses and does upper back. Here is his PR deadlift set. He also loves Valentine's day and can't go to Chickie's for March Madness this year.

    -Doys- Another workout partner and newest member of the gym. He's a former soccer player, but not as gay as you'd think from that decription. He has a self proclaimed 80% success record with chicks. I'd guess its more like 27% in actuality. I think he counts orgasms that aren't from straight banging. He's getting pretty strong but won't listen when I tell him to stop doing situps and he keeps hurting his back from them.

    Madge- Madonna. Her Immaculate Collection album is a staple at BBC. Coys sets PR's almost exclusively to La Isla Bonita.

    Cougs- John Cougar Mellencamp. Another go-to PR cd. Coys used to always deadlift to Madge and squat to Cougs, but lately he's just been trying to listen to nothing but Madge. But I'll be damned if Cougs is gonna get the shaft like that.

    GAB- Gay as Balls. Any Acronym that ends in AB means something "as balls" and any acronym that ends in AS means "as shit". So if I say "Pressing was rough tonight because it was WAB" that means it was windy as balls. If I said "CAB", that woulda meant Cold as Balls. You should be able to figure it out if you are a good detective.

    Jawn- literally means anything, but most frequently used to mean girl. So a YJ is a young jawn (young girl), a OJ is an old jawn, a BJ is a black jawn, a BTJ is a big tittied jawn. But in other cases, it could mean anything so if someone say "how was that pep steak", I could say "that Jawn was money". Which leads me to.....

    Pep Steak- A peperoni cheesesteak from Steve's Prince of steaks. I get my pep steaks with american, but wiz is good too. Tourists and shit talk about Gino's or Pat's cheesesteaks, but Steve's shits on them. Pep Steaks are also a common denomination used in bets. I think Coys owes me like 8 pep steaks right now.
    Last edited by Briks42; 02-13-2012 at 11:20 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New York


    Quote Originally Posted by Briks42 View Post
    Madge- Madonna. Her Immaculate Collection album is a staple at BBC. Coys sets PR's almost exclusively to La Isla Bonita.
    Halftime show - fab or geriatric Gaga impersonator?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I loved the halftime show. Like a Prayer is her best work (edging out La Isla Bonita but you can't play that at halftime of the Superbowl). She's an old British-accented weirdo with deformed looking arms now, but her music is still fire. I actually even liked her new song.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New York


    Her music is great (though Ray of Light and newer is not really my thing). The "performance", for me, was akin to a train wreck. But far be it for me to get between a man and his pop star :-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Yeah, you are treading on dangerous ground right now. Next you'll be going at Jo-Jo's neck or something.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Monday 2/13/12

    Bodyweight- 194.4

    Presses- 152.5x5x3

    Weighted Chins- 50 (244.4 total)x5x3

    Monday workouts are pretty easy right now until I can start squatting again. They still get me some good work though and I think they are doing their job in spurring on new PR's on Fridays.

    Well, this week it will be Saturday actually cuz I got my first game of my 7 game Sixers season ticket plan on Friday night. I gotta stay sober though cuz of the workout the next day, which kinda sucks. At least if the Sixers woulda picked a god-damned mascot yet, I'd have some more entertainment during timeouts and shit. I miss Hip-hop already.

    I'm hoping the halftime show is the chinese lady who rides the unicycle and flips the cups up on top of her head. That gets me every time and the music they play while she's riding is flames. I found a video of her doing it at a college game

    Shit is Koresh.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New York


    OK I'll bite...Jo-Jo?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    North of Minnesota, eh


    I'm willing to let the Madonna thing slide, but I draw the line at Jo-Jo.

    Glad to see you have a log here Briks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program

    She blew up in the early 2000s. Always used to play these on the Judy down the shore in Wildwood.

    Thanks Mr_Rodgers.

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