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Thread: Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Squat Form Check

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    Could you please take a look at this? I have stayed at 135 for about 4 workouts trying to nail the form down. Would it be prudent to add weight? Please check my knees in particular, I'm trying to keep them shoved out.

    3rd and final work set. 1st exercise of the workout.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Sydney Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Dearayne View Post
    I have stayed at 135 for about 4 workouts trying to nail the form down
    Stop doing this. You need to shake off your analysis paralysis.

    Knees coming in a very little at the bottom, certainly not as much as I recall from an earlier video. Stance might be a little too wide.

    But this doesn't mean don't add weight. Working on form is an ongoing process. As you add weight, new imperfections emerge (or old ones return) no matter how close to perfect your form was at the lighter weight.

    In every single squat video of yours I've seen, your form was good enough to add weight the very next workout. You should probably be up to 200 by now.

    Next workout, add 5lb. Then the workout after add another 5lb. Don't stuff around perfecting form at 140lb for a week or two.

    For the record, if you're eating enough, your body should be able to handle 10lb increases for a while yet, but given your reluctance to move up, I'm guessing 5lb will be easier for your mind to handle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Flibble's on the money here.

    I noticed that your shirt says "Run" on it. Lol. That's half your problem!

    Check out the recent interview vid with Marty Gallagher and take note of how they talk about eating. Run with that!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Thanks, guys. As Rippetoe say, "Perfect is the enemy of good." I was and am planning on adding ten pounds today, and the next many workouts.
    I'm going to eat quite well at a barbeque today, and will try and continue to do so as I work up to GOMAD (currently at 88 fl. oz. per day; and, six eggs per day). I'll watch that video most definitely; I actually seek out instances where Rip talks about food.
    And, yep, jmoye, I am a three-year cross country runner, but I have chosen to forego this season in favor of barbell training. I ran nearly every single workout, for three years, easy and grueling, in that shirt; it might be a different color than when I received it as a gift.
    Last edited by Dearayne; 07-13-2012 at 07:06 AM.

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