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Thread: LP on Power Snatch?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default LP on Power Snatch?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    For this of you who power snatch, what kind of weekly or other incremental weight increase/progress do you get out of it?

    I've found myself hitting the same wall around 140#/145# where my feet start to default a little too wide in the catch. I'll stick at the same weight for 2-3 weeks and then increase 2.5#, but that seems like rather slow progress. My Power Clean tends to consistently increase weekly at 2.5#

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    ABQ, NM


    To answer your question, 5 lbs at first and then I'd imagine 2.5lbs a week. I'm not there yet though, I've never had a really good run with them because they're the most frustrating fucking lift that makes me want to hacksaw my bar in half and put my head through the wall. Fuck.

    Is your form in order? When I first started incorporating them I did doubles and hit a similar wall, but I was missing forward and always on the second rep because of early arm bend and a balance issue. I think proper execution is good for increasing the weight on the bar, especially at first. Also, how do you program them and fit them in to your schedule? Are you on LP or HLM or something?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default LP on Power Snatch?

    Quote Originally Posted by JakeN View Post
    To answer your question, 5 lbs at first and then I'd imagine 2.5lbs a week. I'm not there yet though, I've never had a really good run with them because they're the most frustrating fucking lift that makes me want to hacksaw my bar in half and put my head through the wall. Fuck.

    Is your form in order? When I first started incorporating them I did doubles and hit a similar wall, but I was missing forward and always on the second rep because of early arm bend and a balance issue. I think proper execution is good for increasing the weight on the bar, especially at first. Also, how do you program them and fit them in to your schedule? Are you on LP or HLM or something?

    Yeah, form is good, I Believe. I used to do full snatches and had some coaching on them back in my younger days. I enjoy snatching and like the movement as it's fun and satisfying. I just seem to hit a wall with the weight where I look (relatively) great and fast at 137.5#, but my feet start going wide at 140# and it starts to get a bit ugly. It's a weight where I'd be more comfortable dropping under the bar for a full snatch.

    I'm on HLM and use them as my "Light" day pull. I've done them as doubles, but when it gets heavy, I drop to singles EMOM for 15 reps as that seems to yield the most accurate and precise form (but could also be the prohibitive factor in breaking through that wall).

    If it matters, my current Power Snatch for 15 singles is about 48% of my Deadlift workset for 5 reps.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    ABQ, NM


    Quote Originally Posted by poser View Post
    Yeah, form is good, I Believe. I used to do full snatches and had some coaching on them back in my younger days. I enjoy snatching and like the movement as it's fun and satisfying. I just seem to hit a wall with the weight where I look (relatively) great and fast at 137.5#, but my feet start going wide at 140# and it starts to get a bit ugly. It's a weight where I'd be more comfortable dropping under the bar for a full snatch.

    I'm on HLM and use them as my "Light" day pull. I've done them as doubles, but when it gets heavy, I drop to singles EMOM for 15 reps as that seems to yield the most accurate and precise form (but could also be the prohibitive factor in breaking through that wall).

    If it matters, my current Power Snatch for 15 singles is about 48% of my Deadlift workset for 5 reps.

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    You might try working up to a heavier double/single then taking ~10-15% off and doing doubles or singles across, kinda like an 'over warmup' before your worksets. Perhaps your EMOM protocol works, but trying longer breaks might help too. If you're still making the lifts despite your feet going wide, maybe it's not that big a deal, depends on how much slop you're willing to tolerate.

    Is your deadlift roughly 300lbs? Improving your numbers there can only help with this too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Deadlift is presently 345# for a set of 5.

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