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Thread: Travel on TM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Travel on TM

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Thanks for passing on the knowledge.

    Context: Since spring I've gone from a guy who looks strong to a guy who is strong, gaining 35 pounds and probably doubling my squat. I've been on Texas for about two months and progress has been good, I've been doing squat triples and DL 1x5s on Fridays. My PC had risen to 210 5x3 before elbow pain from squatting led me to drop them. I have recently, slowly added them back since I don’t squat “heavy” every workout. FWIW I’ve read SS2E and most of PPST1E. My goals right now are just decent strength and decent power production.

    Training Problem: In two weeks I'm going on a trip to China with my girlfriend which will last for one month. Though this trip has been eagerly anticipated and will no doubt be magical, I worry about my training because: 1) I see myself walking many miles more than usual, 2)I’ll only be able to work out twice a week, and 3) I’ll be without my lifting shoes and belt.

    Plan: To keep doing TM without the recovery workout. I don’t need the belt and shoes for my 5x5s (~350), but Friday weights (~425) would cause an unfortunate sagging of the chest and perhaps induce wobbliness, so I thought it might be wise to move to speed sets for squats. I feel confident I could do a low rep DL (@~500) set without a belt, but wonder if I can maintain safe back form for 5 reps without it.

    1) Will the move to speed squats be effective if it’s only for about 1.5-2 months?
    2) If speed squats are done, would attempts at max weight DL provide conflicting and/or unproductive adaptive stimulus? If not, great. If so, would a PC for DL substitution be appropriate?
    3) Generally speaking, how much caution should be exercised when trying to transition back to max weight/low rep sets? i.e. Is it reasonable to expect to be getting new PRs on, say, the first/third/fifth week back on the max weight TM plan?
    4) For the forum: we’ll be in Beijing, Kunming, Chingqing and Shasi (Hubei). My gf assures me there will are decent gyms in these cities, I just wonder about finding them. If anyone know of any please chime in!

    Thanks again,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You fool, just enjoy the trip. How many times do you plan on getting to do this? Why fuck the thing up by focusing on your training when life has presented you with an important opportunity to think about something else for a short while. Training is important, but it can wait till you get back. Just train when you can, and don't ruin the trip by being a geek.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Redlands, CA


    Good advice. Some people lock onto SS after spending years out in the wilderness listening to bad advice about exercise and geek out by obsessing over every detail about training hoping to maximize results while ignoring the rest of their lives and their loved ones.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by rtamesis View Post
    Good advice. Some people lock onto SS after spending years out in the wilderness listening to bad advice about exercise and geek out by obsessing over every detail about training hoping to maximize results while ignoring the rest of their lives and their loved ones.
    and, the fact is the people who aren't measuring out protein by the gram and eating every 1.75 hours and acting like robots are the people actually enjoying themselves and making progress. No individual workout is of great importance, but the summation of years of work is important. People (usually skinny boys working for abs and guns) are stuck on a workout to workout mindset. Since they have no idea where they're going, they don't get there.

    Plus, who wants to be a bump on a log and refuse a piece of cheesecake because you've had 10 grams too many of sugar for the day?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Better advice than I had hoped for! Thanks for the needed perspective.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    wait wait wait!!!

    I disagree!!!!

    One of the coolest things about travel is finding gyms!! yeah man- go to the hoods in bejing- and find that iron gym,

    I remember a trip to bulgaria- before I knew anything about powerlifting - and just taking a break, walking in somewhere and asking for a workout- surreal- dudes in gold chains doing heavy shit at high reps. no machines just iron and funky ass music blaring around, the gym culture was crazy cool.

    In Nigeria they didnt have a squat rack- I used the smith machine- and it was,well, made in China- so it started to TIP OVER during "squats" Then a huge guy with an unnaturally high voice came to help- he immediately apologized for his voice " I am Amos, I know my voice is high, but I am STRONG" ( I shit thee not-thats the first thing he said, he kinda saved my life!)

    Or Puerto Rico (not far flung I know) but lots of fast curls and cell phone calls between sets. that was just weird- but amusing as hell.

    I think working out in other countries is a trip in a trip. While I wouldnt let it interfere with a planned itenerary- it can be an adventure. Also, for me, it lets me imagine what my life would be like in that place - which is way cooler than going to museums and the important stuff you do when traveling.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    starting strength coach development program
    +1 for what JM said. Just dont be too ambitious with poundage in these shitty gyms, or you can hurt yourself (been there). My personal fave was a gym with a tin roof, which apparently was only there for show as small rivers flooded through the gym whenever it was raining.

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