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Thread: PowerBuilding Journal Part 1

  1. #1
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Thumbs up PowerBuilding Journal Part 1

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    hey everyone

    my original journal is out here:

    i ran the texas method for 16 weeks with great results from Jan to May 2007. im 8 Weeks into an upper lower program designed by my mentor Eric3237 from

    the program at the moment is as follows:

    Lower 1
    *Deads 1X5
    *Bulgarians 3x6-8
    *Goodmornings 3x6-8
    *Overhead Dumbell Side Bends
    *Grip Work

    Upper 1
    *Bench (either maintain or small progression)
    *Regular Barbell Rows 2x5-7
    *Dumbbell Rows 2x10-12
    *Close Grip Bench 2 sets and up
    *Face Pulls 2 sets and up...reps on the higher end
    *Pulldown Abs or Bar Rollouts

    Lower 2
    *Low Box Squat 3-4x8-10
    *Keystone Deads 3-4x8-10
    *Single Leg Leg Press 2x6-8
    *GHR's 2 sets and up
    *Hanging Leg Raises

    Upper 2
    *MP 3 sets 5 reps or more up to 5 sets
    *Dumbell Bench Press 3 sets and up higher reps
    *Russian Twists

    a short recap so everyone knows where im at.

    -Aug 05 left shoulder gets dislocated while doing seated dumbbell shoulder presses.
    - Dec 05 right shoulder gets disloacted while swimming.
    - Aug 06 shoulder dislocations on both shoulders. rehab done for some time and then forgotten.
    - Dec 06 end of 14 week DC blast. loss of strength on squats.
    - Dec 06 shoulder dislocates again. physiotherapist from bombay (where im from) gives me rehab. help from Dr. Irani plus my mentor Eric gets me back into lifting heavy.
    - Jan 07 beginning of the texas method
    - Mar 07 strength is as good as it was before injuries - Squat 275x5, Bench 155x5
    - Apr 07 realize that conjugate periodization is better for my deadlift so i drop deads and focus on squats and bench. Eric's orders. great results.
    - May 07 off the texas method. total has gone from 825 to 945. goal to hit 1000 by 2007 Dec is made.
    - May 07 upper lower program designed by Eric is started. goal is to get strong and big as always. focus is on squats and bench while using conjugate periodization for deads.
    - Jun 07 focus shifts from maintaining eveyrhting to starting conjugate periodization for squats and new focus is on deads and bench.

    thats it. the wrap up of 2007 till now.

    i plan on posting a lot more

    also, just some more info about me.

    im an international student (sophmore) from Mumbai, India studying at Trinity University in San Antonio. im majoring (triple major) in Marketing (BSc), Finance (BSc) and Communications (BA).

    i come home to Mumbai twice a year - December and Summer (totals 4 months). i have a gf in Mumbai who i adore along with my family (who i am very close to) and my best friends.

    umm...what else???

    aahhh.....yes, i love to post vids

    looking forward to meeting everyone. please come by my journal feel free to discuss any and every topic oh, and no more pics on wannaBmoy....haha

  2. #2
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Jul 2007

  3. #3
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Jul 2007

    Thumbs down

    Summer '07 Upper-Lower Split
    LOWER 1 - WEEK 9


    Deadlifts = 1 sets x 5 reps x 235 lbs (105 kgs)

    Bulgarian Split Squats = 3 sets x 10 reps x 80 lbs (36 kgs)

    Good Mornings = 3 sets x 6 reps x 135 lbs (60 kgs)

    Overhead Dumbell Side Bends = 3 sets x 12 reps x 10 lbs (5 kgs)

    Grip Work using Hammer Curls = 2 sets x 6 reps x 45 lbs (20 kgs)

    Hyperextensions = 1 set x 10 reps x BW


    W9 --->>> 6,005 lbs
    W8 --->>> 6,195 lbs
    W7 --->>> 5,900 lbs
    W6 --->>> 5,000lbs
    W5 --->>> 8,275 lbs
    W4 --->>> 6,455 lbs
    W3---->>> 6,900 lbs
    W2 --->>> n/a
    W1 --->>> 7,575 lbs

    Overall Impression:-

    boring workout. the AC at my gym had malfunctioned and i had to work out in the tropical heat not only that but the gym was way too overcrowded. i couldnt even get a vid of the good mornings i wanted....

    Deadlifts: easy

    Bulgarian Squats: tough as hell. and the heat made it only worse.

    Good Mornings: im not too happy with form. i need to work on this. hopefully next week ill take vids to post up.

    Overhead Dumbbell Side Bends: nice

    Grip Work: boring.

    Diet: good food today

    Overall: im just not happy with this workout. maybe i didnt go to the gym in the right mindset or maybe im just a little low because i was just not comfortable working out today. my numbers on the bulgarian squats and the good mornings did go up...but still....deads have a long way to go...

    stay safe everyone

  4. #4
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Jul 2007

    Thumbs up

    Summer '07 Upper-Lower Split
    UPPER 1 - WEEK 8


    Flat Bench Press = 3 sets x 3 reps x 185 lbs (85 kgs)

    Regular Rows = 2 sets x 5 reps x 185 lbs (85 kgs)

    Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press = 3 sets x 6 reps x 65 lbs (30 kgs)

    Chin-ups = 10 + 5 = 15

    Facepulls = 2 sets x 10 reps x 70 lbs (35 kgs)

    Bar Rollouts = 2 sets x 10 reps

    W9 --->>> 8,060 lbs
    W8 --->>> 6,315 lbs
    W7 --->>> 7,730 lbs
    W6 --->>> 6,780 lbs
    W5 --->>> 9,580 lbs
    W4 --->>> 10,170 lbs
    W3 --->>> 9,585 lbs
    W2 --->>> n/a
    W1 --->>> 7,150 lbs

    Overall Impression:-

    good vids though.....ill get some up soon.....

    Bench Press: form was spot on

    Regular Rows: i dunno but i just couldnt add reps...i didnt feel like it....i dunno why...

    Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: im happy

    Chin-ups: felt great!

    Diet: ok diet. not too good.

    Overall: good workout. saw VACANCY yesterday....shitty film...will go for Harry Potter this weekend....

    have a good week y'all!

  5. #5
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Summer '07 Upper-Lower Split
    LOWER 2 - WEEK 9


    Ass to Grass Box Squats = 3 sets x 6 reps x 205 lbs (90 kgs)

    Keystone Deadlifts = 3 sets x 10 reps x 190 lbs (85 kgs)

    Dumbbell Swings = 3 sets x 12 reps x 70 lbs (30 kgs)

    Glute Ham Raises = 2 sets x 10 reps x BW

    Standing Ab Pulldowns = 2 sets x 10 reps x 70 lbs (35 kgs)

    Hyperextensions = 1 set x 15 reps x BW


    W9 --->>> 11,910 lbs
    W8 --->>> 11,115 lbs
    W7 --->>> 14,500 lbs
    W6 --->>> 11,880 lbs
    W5 --->>> 6,375 lbs
    W4 --->>> n/a
    W3 --->>> 15,060 lbs
    W2 --->>> n/a
    W1 --->>> 14,560 lbs

    Overall Impression:-

    ok session. i had a severe headache (first time in my life) and i cough and a cold and a sore throat and an upset stomach. needless to say i wasnt anywhere near my 100%. but, i went in anyways and did what was needed.

    Ass to Grass Box Squats: i dont think i nailed the form down on this one. not this time anyways. i have a vid....i think form was only ok. i still got a lot to work on but today i wasnt well so i kinda forgot about form

    Keystone Deadlifts: i want to change these to regular RDLs...they feel more comfy for me...i wonder what E will say...

    Dumbbell Swings: i recorded in my video set #2. i did 11 reps by mistake. so for set 3 i did 13. total comes to 36 reps so well...its all good

    Glute Ham Raises: got a vid here too. probably really shitty form. but hey: i gotto start somewhere, eh?

    Diet: ok diet. not as good as yesterday.

    Overall: pretty ok workout. im happy i made progress but i wasnt "feeling" it u know.....i just hope im well by, i kind of tweaked my back doing something today and the uneaqual compression of my lower back has left my left lower back kinda sore i hope it heals by tomorrow.


    hope everyone's week is going good.

    thanks for reading


  6. #6
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Jul 2007


    the video:

    i made a few comments about each exercise above. please have a look


  7. #7
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Summer '07 Upper-Lower Split
    UPPER 2 - WEEK 9


    Military Press = 3 sets x 5 reps x 120 lbs (55 kgs)

    Pull-ups = 9 + 6 + 5 + 4 = 24

    Close Grip Bench Press = 3 sets x 6 reps x 155 lbs (70 kgs)

    Overhead Shrugs = 3 sets x 12 reps x 75 lbs (35 kgs)

    Russian Twists = 2 sets x 10 reps x 10 lbs (5 kgs)

    Decline Sit-ups = 2 sets x 15 reps x BW


    W9 --->>> 11,730 lbs
    W8 --->>> 11,050 lbs
    W7 --->>> 10,655 lbs
    W6 --->>> 11,220 lbs
    W5 ---->>> 12,210 lbs
    W4 --->>> 13,270 lbs
    W3 --->>> n/a
    W2 --->>> n/a
    W1 --->>> 8,847 lbs

    Overall Impression:-

    i wasnt well today. i almost puked before my workout. i dunno why i actually went but i didnt want to take an off today. anyways, lots to talk about...(got 3 vids today: military press and 2 sets of CGBP)

    Military Press: so Eric and Chris both brought it to my notice last week that my military press was really not official because i didnt make the bar touch my clavicle. SO, this time i decided to stick to 120 and make the bar touch my clavicle on every rep. a vid has been provided. im happy because now i know next week ill knock out 120x5x5 and then the week after its 3x5x135

    Pull-ups: new happy...

    Close Grip Bench Press: got a vid for this too. felt awesome.

    Overhead Shrugs: my shoulders are very happy

    Russian Twists: a breeze...i need to figure out what eric meant by doing these standing with a barbell....ill do some research on this before my next workout...

    Decline Sit-ups: boring

    Diet: tons of food. all good.

    Overall: good workout. im very happy that i was able to do so much even after me being so sick (i also had a fever in the morning)....i also felt very dehydrated today for some reason...well, i made up for that by drinking 3 litres total before sleeping mornings im feeling fine though - no cough, no cold, no fever. whoo-hoo....

    as always, have a GREAT weekend everyone!!!

  8. #8
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    ok here is the vid:

    Upper 2 Week 9

    some notes:

    Military Press 120x5
    on rep 3 i lost balance because someone behind me tripped and fell and i lost concentration. luckily, i recovered and i was able to knock out 2 more reps. i didnt take another vid because i was bored. but i wish i had. noentheless, the bar did touch my clavicle (i think ).

    Close Grip Bench Press Set #1
    my head got cut off lol.....

    Close Grip Bench Press Set #2
    ok now when i got up i got cut off lol...

  9. #9
    Sentinel is offline Can't bench 225, but knows more than you.
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    Thumbs up

    Summer '07 Upper-Lower Split
    LOWER 1 - WEEK 10


    Deadlifts = 1 sets x 5 reps x 275 lbs (125 kgs)

    Speed Deadlifts @ 50% of 1RM = 10 sets x 1 rep x 175 lbs (80 kgs)

    Bulgarian Split Squats = 2 sets x 6 reps x 65 lbs (32 kgs)

    Overhead Dumbell Side Bends = 3 sets x 12 reps x 10 lbs (5 kgs)

    Grip Work using Barbell Curls = 1 sets x 6 reps x 65 lbs (30 kgs)

    Hyperextensions = 1 set x 10 reps x BW


    W10 --->>> 3,905 lbs
    W9 --->>> 6,005 lbs
    W8 --->>> 6,195 lbs
    W7 --->>> 5,900 lbs
    W6 --->>> 5,000lbs
    W5 --->>> 8,275 lbs
    W4 --->>> 6,455 lbs
    W3---->>> 6,900 lbs
    W2 --->>> n/a
    W1 --->>> 7,575 lbs

    Overall Impression:-

    a new workout for me. i was supposed to do good mornings but i havent been keeping good form on them and ive tweaked my lower back pretty bad thanks to them. i could just reset the weight and start again but i dont think right now in my lifting career i need to worry about them. in due time when i reach a stage where they will play an essential part i will put them back in. for now, they're out.

    Deadlifts: it wasnt as easy as i thought at all. however i know my form was pretty good im very happy with my form actually. but no, they werent easy. at the time during with i did dc training, i was able to knock out a good 7-8 reps with this weight. i could have easily done atleast 5-6 more today. so i guess my strength has improved. right now, im taking my 1RM to be my old 1RM = 355 lbs.

    Speed Deadlifts: i did not run this idea past eric and i came up with it when i was at the gym itself. i think im gonna get clobbered by him for this...however, i did this for a purpose...they same reason why i used to do DE work on the texas method. if Eric gives me the ok, im gonna reduce the weight for this next time.

    Bulgarian Squats: i reduced the weight drastically on this. i wasnt really all that tired from the DE work. i reduced it because i wanted to work on form. i also did 2 sets because i didnt see the need to go balls to the wall with this. exactly as eric had asked me to do before. infact, he had warned me that i will not be doing this correctly and it will catch up with me later on. well, he was right again. so well...ive reduced the weight and im working on posture, smooth form, etc..

    Overhead Dumbbell Side Bends: nice

    Grip Work: boring.

    Diet: good food today

    Overall: good workout. i saw harry potter 5 yesterday. quite a good movie. a few technical errors but otherwise it was a good movie. as for today's was good. did not move too much wieght. i just hope Eric isnt pissed about me doing speed deads. if he gives me the ok, im gonna go ahead with these but at a much lighter weight (165 or 155 lbs instead of 175).

    stay safe everyone

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    Nice workout, man. Your deadlifts are climbing. I agree about the good mornings. There's no point in pushing it with them if they're only going to hurt you. I think I may just follow your journal here since I have to keep up with so many at This way it will be easier to track your progress.

    I don't see anything wrong the idea of doing some speed deadlifts after you work up to your heavy set. Seems like it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some type of volume work in that way after a heavy set.

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