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Thread: Deadlift grip and sets/reps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Default Deadlift grip and sets/reps

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    47yo female 5'6" 174#
    19 weeks into NLP. Deadlift started at 205#, now 244#
    Per Starting Strength I have been doing 1 set of 5, currently adding 1# each day, alternating lift days with power cleans and chin-ups. I am increasingly having difficulty holding on to the bar for all 5 reps. (I use a hook grip and total warm up reps is 6.) I just read Practical Programming and learned that females could/should start deadlifts with 3 sets of 5, switching to 4 sets of 3 (example on pg 220) as progress is made. I think sets of 3 would help with my grip problem but I don't think I can do 4 sets of 3 at 245...etc. Does it make sense to switch to 4 sets of 3 but lower the weight? Or other ideas? I feel pretty confident that I have at least 2-3 more months, hopefully 3-4 more months on LP with my other lifts so I would like to find a deadlift set/rep scheme that keeps them moving along with everything else.
    Thank you.

    Just out of curiosity, why does the total volume decrease from 15 reps (3 sets of 5) to 12 reps (4 sets of 3) when you switch?....... Heavier weights and recovery?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    You are using chalk ? It's a must.
    I've not had much success at hook grip, I prefer alternate despite the potential negatives of bicep tear, that might be worth a try. Don't know about volume.
    Good progress your making there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Thank you.
    I do use chalk. I have tried alt grip but it doesn't make much difference for me and I don't really like it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by LisaK View Post
    Thank you.
    I do use chalk. I have tried alt grip but it doesn't make much difference for me and I don't really like it.
    Then it seems to me, that it's time to change to an intermediate program. Everything else being correct including technique-first 3 questions. That's how it goes-one lift starts stalling. Try resetting a couple of times and move on to an intermediate program. Suddenly NLP just runs to an end. What are your numbers on the other lifts ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by LisaK View Post
    I just read Practical Programming and learned that females could/should start deadlifts with 3 sets of 5, switching to 4 sets of 3 (example on pg 220) as progress is made. I think sets of 3 would help with my grip problem but I don't think I can do 4 sets of 3 at 245...etc.
    You need to read the book more carefully. If you're still on NLP (as you say), then why are you looking at page 220? Page 220 is for modifications for females >for Texas Method Intermediate programming<. Chapter 9 is for special populations, but only with respect to advanced programming.

    If you are on NLP (as you day you are), you should be doing one set of 5 for deadlifts, period. It's not stated differently anywhere. Also, once progress slows, you should alternate deadlift with power cleans every other workout.

    Finally, everyone finds alternating grip easier, so perhaps the issue is just that you are overly fatigued from doing too many deadlift reps, and that's the actual issue. Try just doing the one set of 5 as you are supposed to, and see if that helps the grip issue. You may even be able to just use double overhand (standard) grip.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I think Sean may have miss understood what you're currently doing. To clarify, you're currently deadlifting 1 set of 5 alternating with power cleans and chins and feel you can progress on LP but that your hook grip is the weak link?

    A few things I'd try
    1) Work on your DOH grip. Do you do all warm-ups DOH? Work up to a single max-ish rep as part of your warm-up. You say you only do 6 warm up reps which isn't much. If your work weight is 245 I'd expect your warm-ups to look something like
    135x5 DOH
    185x3 DOH
    215-225x1 max DOH
    235x1 hook
    245x5 hook
    also hold onto the last rep as long as you can (don't go all out but hold on until it's moderately uncomfortable)

    2) DB farmers walks. Just a set at the end of your workout
    3) Add kroc rows, maybe, if recovery allows
    4) If non of this helps then switch to 2x3

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    The Texas Method modification for females in Practical Programming is on pg 221, not of 220. The header for the example on pg 220 is "Example novice progression". On pg 219 the book states: "Typically woman will start with sets of 5 just like men - 3 sets of 5 across for squats, benches and presses. Woman typically can do sets across for deadlift as well..."
    I think it is clear I have read the book.

    Also, my post stated I am doing 1 set of 5 deadlifts. Also, my post stated I am alternating my deadlift with power cleans and chin-ups as the Starting Strength program dictates. Also, I don't find alternating grip easier so not everyone does.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Your summary is correct. My warm-up is 135x3, 175x2, 210x1. I have it lower because I've already done my squats and bench or press so I feel pretty warmed up. I think I might just automatically do hook grip for warm ups without realizing it. I will pay more attention there. I will try your other suggestions. Thank you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Squat: start 115, now 176
    Press: start 65, now 85.5
    Bench: start 85, now 116 (Bench didn't start until 8 weeks in. I work out at home and didn't have a bench at first so I sub'd push-ups.)
    Power clean: start bar for many weeks, took some time to feel comfortable with technique, now 65
    I really feel I have more LP progress to make on the other lifts so I would like to stay with it. And it doesn't feel like an actual stall, more a bump in the road I need to find a solution for.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Keep it simple do your warm up weights overhand until you can’t hang on to the bar then use straps for your heavy sets

    You’re primarily training your posterior chain not your grip

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