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Thread: SS Goal/Weight Gain Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default SS Goal/Weight Gain Question

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I have been a 3 on 1 off CrossFitter for about the last 10 months. I caught the competition bug this year and decided to head to a qualifier next year to try my hand at getting into the games. After setting that goal for myself, I decided that I am under-strong and needed to get some serious time on the weights. I am 25, 6'4" and weight about 205 pounds @ ~8-10 %BF. Current 1RMs are 345 squat, 385 deadlift, 135 press, 240 hang power clean, 8 strict chin ups, and a 7RM at 205 on the bench.

    My goals for those lifts are 550 deadlift, 450 squat, 200 press, 300 bench press, and 300 power clean. I intend to use the novice phase for as long as it is productive and after 1 or 2 resets do some evaluation depending on how far out from the games qualifiers I am. At that point I want to either get into more intermediate strength programming or go towards metcon.

    My big question involves weight gain/diet during training. I assume that for strictly strength training, 6'4" and 210 is way too light. I am looking for some insight on size for someone my height. I have no problem with gaining body fat as my main concern is linear strength gains for as long as possible so as to be competitive next July. If I were working out in your gym, with these stated goals, what size would you want me to be?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    At least 275. But you have the potential to be actually strong at 300. By that I mean 650 DL, 600 SQ, 400 BP, 300 PR, 350 PC. These numbers do not represent a powerlifter's specialization, but rather the good corn-fed strength of a big man.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    After 1 week of Starting Strength novice workout, I'm already up to 220 from 205. If my gains keep coming smoothly I'll be doing work sets with 315+ on my squat next week. This stuff is like magic for gaining size and strength as quickly as possible. Thanks coach!

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