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Thread: Squat 145 kg x 5 form problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Default Squat 145 kg x 5 form problems

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have been doing my NLP and started to get some pain in my left knee from squatting, so I decided to give in and take a video of my training and ask for help and insights from the all knowing internet. Some form problems are kind of obvious, maybe should have taken a video lot earlier, I know, but what to do about them? The video is of my third set of five with 145 kg. Help and constructive criticism is very much appreciated!

    Squat 145 kg/319.6703 lbs x 5 - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Woops, got kind of ahead of myself there. But here goes another try. This is my 3rd set today with 147.5 kg.

    The pain in my left knee appears and disappears with no apparent reason and is located in the front of the knee and is happening kind of all around the thing. Today's workout seemed to ease it quite a bit.

    This was the best angle for the video I could get for now, hope that it is at least a bit more useful than the first one.

    I guess useful additional information could be that I have pretty different feel to my legs because I broke my right patella/kneecap at age 12 (now I'm 31) and they have never been the same since. Left leg is much tighter and less mobile in muscles and joints, and in a different position than the right.

    I have the prioblem of leaning to the right side at the bottom of the squat, but today I did the warmup sets as stop-squats and really tried to correct this, and it seemed to work at least a bit. But in the exchange I got some golfer-elbow feelings to both elbows now.
    I also noticed the different level of the knees at the bottom and tried to correct that to best of my ability.

    Squat 147.5 kg/325 lbs x 5 - YouTube

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    You are not leaning over, because your grip is insecure and your upper back is floppy. You not leaning over is contributing to your knees sliding. The knee sliding is likely what's causing the discomfort.

    Your stance is too wide, also, which prevents you from getting your knees out over your toes. This could also be contributing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Thanks for the observations! What would be your opinion; should I de-load, and start to build the thing again from there?

    My own thinking goes like this: I'll practice to improve/correct my grip and stance width etc. with the warm-up sets as dilligently as possible, and try to transfer that to the work sets to the best of my ability. Because the lifting didn't really make the discomfort in my knee any worse with 147.5 kg I'll do 150 kg tomorrow. Or would that be a mistake? (Of course I'm kind of hard headed person and probably going to do the 150 kg anyways).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    This de-load shit has gotten out of hand. Question: if the form correction applied during the deload improves your form, why is a lighter weight required?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2018


    I am not an expert but it seems like you are guiding movement from the pelvis, like most of women habitually do. Stop doing it. Your back should be a solid spine and be a lever arm for the hips, as the book explains it somewhere (I don't know, I haven't read it in a long time).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Yup, that's what I thought too. I guess the real question was "do you think my form is so terrible that I should start all over again?" or something to that nature.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Did the three sets of five with 150 kg. Couldn't improve the knee sliding at all it seems to me. But I think the upper back got a little bit better. There was serious pain in my elbows after the first and second set (the golfer side) but the last set felt ok.

    That leading with the pelvis-point seems legit. Got a lot of work to do it seems.

    Here is the video of the 3rd set

    Squat 150 kg/ 330 lbs x 5 - YouTube

    (For the first time, I was really scared of the last set and especially the last rep. My lower back got really sore from the technique-cleaning work from last workout I presume. And oh boy did it feel heavy).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    Why can't you figure out how to shoot a video that shows us your knees from the side? Where we can actually see the angles?

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