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Thread: Trying to lose some pounds on TM 4 day. Any advice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Trying to lose some pounds on TM 4 day. Any advice?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Main goal is powerlifting.
    Been doing:

    Bench 5x5
    Medium Press 3x5
    Triceps 3x10
    Face pulls 3x12

    Squat 5x5
    Rdl 3x5
    Chins/pull ups 3x5
    Abs 3 sets of ab wheel

    Bench 2 sets of 3
    Light press 3x5
    Curls 3x10

    Squat 2 sets of 3
    Dead 2 sets of 3
    Abs 3 sets of wheel

    All lifts aside from the main lifts aren't pushed very hard and have pretty low rest times.

    Been progressing nicely, adding weight every week on ID.

    Current lifts:
    Squat 340 for 2 triples
    Bench 245 for 2 triples
    Deads were I think at 360ish for one triple. Recently switched to conventional cuz I'm not happy with my sumo form and hit 315 for a pretty easy triple last session.

    Cals have been cut since last Monday. I hit my intensity bench numbers but missed my squat numbers already. I really don't know how I should program now with the reduced cals.. should I keep 5x5 volume? Cut some accessories? Cut weight off everything and work back up? All input is appreciated! Thanks.
    Last edited by Ant734; 04-09-2017 at 03:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Height weight bf?

    A really easy way to do it is give yourself a rep range on intensity day and back off a bit on the weight but up the reps.

    For example lets take 5s,3,1s for intensity day. Back up the weight some and do 6-5,4-3,2-1 as your rep range. Keep progressing whatever rep range you are on until you have to drop a rep if the cut is extended.
    Last edited by Eric Larousse; 04-09-2017 at 04:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    Height weight bf?

    A really easy way to do it is give yourself a rep range on intensity day and back off a bit on the weight but up the reps.

    For example lets take 5s,3,1s for intensity day. Back up the weight some and do 6-5,4-3,2-1 as your rep range. Keep progressing whatever rep range you are on until you have to drop a rep if the cut is extended.
    5' 9'' 185 lbs. I know I need more muscle but my waist measured 37 inches the day after a sushi buffet lol. I have been steadily bulking and dealt with minor injuries for the past 3 years. Put on about 30 lbs and need to trim some fat.

    Okay so I am currently on 2 sets of triples. You are saying to dial back some weight, maybe take 10% off? Then actually do 2 sets of 4 until progression leads me to hitting only 2 reps in any set? Then reduce again?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    exactly...maybe less than 10% but that is your call

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    In my experience, "weight loss" and "Texas Method" do not go well together. For Texas Method to succeed, you probably need to be in caloric surplus. And to lose weight, you by definition need to be in caloric deficit. You'll probably have more success by doing X week of Texas and then X weeks of weight loss.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Baker Seems to prefer HLM for cutting. You eat a bunch sunday to prep for heavy day, and diet the rest of the time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    That has never seemed to work for me^

    If you are in a deficit by definition on a light day where you overhead press heavy it effects my ability to overhead press without food in my body....when i am properly nurished i can OHP much better

    Now if you move the bench to light day its going to have the same effect

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Grand Rapids, Michigan


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    That has never seemed to work for me^

    If you are in a deficit by definition on a light day where you overhead press heavy it effects my ability to overhead press without food in my body....when i am properly nurished i can OHP much better

    Now if you move the bench to light day its going to have the same effect
    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. That being in a deficit affects the OHP more than the other lifts?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Im saying if you are in a deficit on days where you do some type of press heavy it will effect the pressing.....typically you do some type of press heavy usually 3 times a week depending on the iteration of the program at the least you are pressing heavy twice a week

    It makes sense for squats and deadlifts because you can put the heavy work on a caloric excess day while the lighter squats wont be effected by the deficit

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Grand Rapids, Michigan


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Larousse View Post
    Im saying if you are in a deficit on days where you do some type of press heavy it will effect the pressing.....typically you do some type of press heavy usually 3 times a week depending on the iteration of the program at the least you are pressing heavy twice a week

    It makes sense for squats and deadlifts because you can put the heavy work on a caloric excess day while the lighter squats wont be effected by the deficit
    So are you saying people should only be in a deficit on non-training days, or...?

    I tried the HLM, pig out on Sunday night thing, and honestly I don't think it did much other than a mental boost/placebo effect.

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