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Thread: Volleyball on Light day for Texas Method

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France

    Default Volleyball on Light day for Texas Method

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hello everyone,

    what is your opinion about replacing one of the Recovery workouts with a training session in a totally different sport ?

    instead of doing Volume on Monday, Recovery on Wednesday, Intensity on Friday, you do Volume on Monday, Volleyball (~ 2hrs) on Tuesday and Intensity on Friday.

    My line of reasoning is that if the aim of the light session is to stimulate recovery by keeping the muscles moving an the blood flowing, then the same result could be achieved using a different kind of activity, such as that provided by the volleyball.

    Of course it might be a very daft idea, hence I thought I would ask for some opinions.

    Thanks in advance for all contributions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    Quote Originally Posted by IlPrincipeBrutto View Post
    Hello everyone,

    what is your opinion about replacing one of the Recovery workouts with a training session in a totally different sport ?

    instead of doing Volume on Monday, Recovery on Wednesday, Intensity on Friday, you do Volume on Monday, Volleyball (~ 2hrs) on Tuesday and Intensity on Friday.

    My line of reasoning is that if the aim of the light session is to stimulate recovery by keeping the muscles moving an the blood flowing, then the same result could be achieved using a different kind of activity, such as that provided by the volleyball.

    Of course it might be a very daft idea, hence I thought I would ask for some opinions.

    Thanks in advance for all contributions.

    I might rearrange my schedule so I wasn't playing my sport the day after volume day.
    Maybe try:
    Tuesday Volleyball
    Wednesday Volume,
    Friday Recovery
    Sunday Intensity.

    Of course your schedule will determine whether or not you can do that.
    If your schedule allows you should still be able to sneak in a recovery workout. (Could take as little as 20 minutes)

    I have a feeling your schedule is not that flexible though.

    Or what about Friday Volume, Monday Recovery, Tuesday Volley Ball and Wednesday Intensity?
    Last edited by ColoWayno; 06-02-2010 at 05:22 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Hi ColoWayno,

    Quote Originally Posted by ColoWayno View Post
    I have a feeling your schedule is not that flexible though.
    Or what about Friday Volume, Monday Recovery, Tuesday Volley Ball and Wednesday Intensity?

    I think that I really need to give more details.
    Here's my full two-weeks schedule (a blank indicates rest. All workouts are done early morning)

    Fri Volume
    Mon Recovery
    Tue Volleyball (evening)
    Thu Intensity *
    Sat Volume
    Mon Recovery
    Wed Intensity

    I try to keep one of the volume sessions at the WE, because they are long, and it's not easy to fit them during the week, before going to work.

    My problem is that I dont' seem able to recover from the volleyball in time to do the first Thursday Intensity workout, marked with a *. This also means that your suggestion of doing Intensity the day after volleyball is not feasible.

    Adding an extra day of rest would be perfect, but then the whole schedule would shift out of place, and I'd rather have one WE clean (I know, I'm trying to juggle a lot of balls).

    If I could replace one Recovery session with volleyball, I could shift to this schedule:

    Mon Volume
    Tue Volleyball (evening)
    Fri Intensity
    Sun Volume
    Tue Recovery
    Thu Intensity (option to take it on the Friday)

    This would allow me a full recovery from volleyball, and keep one of the volume days on the WE. I don't have a problem with playing volleyball the day after volume. Volley it's for fun, so even if I'm a bit tired it's ok. Better than being sore and a little tired on Intensity day.

    Thanks anyway for the suggestion.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    personally I find it much harder to play volleyball the day after lifting, than to lift the day after volleyball.. muscle recovery from volleyball should be pretty quick if you're conditioned to it, whereas the day after squats I feel pretty heavy jumping around, especially on sand

    Unless it's your joints/tendons etc that you need to give a break after volleyball, I can understand that

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    Quote Originally Posted by Dragar View Post
    personally I find it much harder to play volleyball the day after lifting, than to lift the day after volleyball...
    I accept that I might a special case, but for me is the other way round. I just feel so sore after the volley, that even two days later I'm not 100% ready for the lifts. Maybe it's an age thing.


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