No trees in your area? Jungle gyms.. If you have 30 bucks go to walmart and get a chin bar (they attach to your doorframe0.
No trees in your area? Jungle gyms.. If you have 30 bucks go to walmart and get a chin bar (they attach to your doorframe0.
Yes. Cantilever door frame pull-up bar. Or substitute bent-over rows. Whichever.
Put a bar to the highest spot on your squat rack. Do chins with your knees lifted way up. Could work.
Does your gym have a smith machine? They are also great for doing chins.
My gym recently moved and they didn't bother to take the pullup bar with them. Instead they have this cable machine that has a bunch of handles at the top to do pullups in every possible hand direction... except straight.
So i grabbed a barbell and put it on TOP of the power rack and did my pullups from it. Works great. My only complaint is that it has a SLIGHT tendancy to roll, making gripping more difficult... no biggie.